Comfort Zone and Calling out for Jesus

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We all have a comfort zone and most of the time we don't want to reach past that comfort zone. When it comes time to reaching past our comfort, it's like some of us reach out past our comfort zone to see if it's safe then quickly pull our hand back. Some of us go a few feet then run back or walk a little while then try finding our comfort zone again.
- In Matthew 14:22-36, Peter wanted and desired to reach past his comfort zone (verse 28-29). While peter was walking on water, towards Jesus (he had to be focused on Jesus), a wind started blowing... Peter got worried, took his eyes off Jesus and started doubting. And because of this, he started sinking. But when he got scared, he didn't try going back to the boat, back to where he thought he would be safe, he called on Jesus! (verse 30-31)
*Yet, we put faith in our comfort zone. We put faith where even the winds can reach us, instead of the one who can calm the winds.
- It's like reaching out on a bridge... If it's firm, we'll go; but if the bridge moves we won’t. When we get scared there's always someone that says, “don't look down”, and if we look down/get scared we run back to where it's safe. Sometimes we get the idea that if we look at someone's eye's we'll get through it, because we're not focused on the downward appearance.
- When you're reaching past your comfort zone, focus on Jesus! When you're getting ready to fall, fall on Jesus! When you want to go back to your comfort zone, make Jesus your comfort zone! Jesus is always there and will never leave.
When you ask God to expand your boarders (1 Chronicles 4:10), He'll expand them up to the edge of your comfort zone... And then He'll keep right on going (as far a you allow Him to).
- He'll open possibilities you've never thought of before. He'll ask you to do things you've never done before (and you're pretty sure you can't do). It’ll feel like He takes you to the edge of a cliff and says, "Let's go for a walk." The thing is if you look down, you'll fall. If you focus on God, it'll be like you're walking on air. (Don’t do this, it’s a matter of mind.)
- You'll want to run, turn back, say it was a mistake to go that far. For those who have gotten to this point, you're right on track! Because here, when you feel that you've gone past what you can do, is where miracles happen. Right here is where you will start to see God work in your life in ways you've only heard about.
- As God's blessed sons and daughters, we are expected to attempt something big enough for God that failure is guaranteed, unless God steps in.
*Pushes you into trying something new (unless you back down). Requires more courage, ability, time, money that you didn't think you had. Sets you up to risk looking like a fool. And seems impossible.
- That's why in this part of your life, dependence is important. You do not become great (like a hero), you become dependent on the strong hand of God. Your huge need gives God a huge opportunity to do something exciting. And He becomes great through you.
- Small story: A Ladder to the Clouds
(Not my own story)
I took my kids to a city park. A place that had swings, monkey bars, seesaws, and slides. There wasn't just one slide, but three (small, medium, and giant). My 5-year-old boy took off for the small slide. "Why don't you go with him?" my wife suggested. I had another idea. "Hang on," I said. "Let's wait and see what happens." So, we relaxed on a nearby bench and watched. David climbed to the top, waved, and flew down. No problem. He moved to the medium slide. He had climbed halfway up the ladder when he turned and looked at me. But I pretended not to notice. He thought for a moment, then carefully backed down. "Honey," my wife said, "you ought to go help him out." "Not yet," I replied, hoping my smile would let her know I wasn't being careless.
David spent a few minutes watching other kids go down. Finally, his mind was made up. He climbed all the way up and went down three times, without even looking at us.
Then we watched him turn to the giant slide. My wife was getting worried. "I don't think he should do that by himself, do you?" "No," I replied. "But I don't think he will. Let's see what he does." When David reached the bottom of the slide, he turned and called out, "Dad!" But I glanced away, pretending I didn't hear him. He looked up the ladder. To a little boy, that monster slide must have looked like it reached to the clouds. He watched an older boy flying down. Then, he was against all odds, he decided to try. Step-by-step, hand over hand, he inched up the ladder. But he hadn't gone up a third of the way when he froze. He couldn't go up or down. <He had reached the point of certain failure.>
I rushed over. "Are you okay, son?" I asked from the bottom of the ladder. He looked down at me, shaking and hanging on for dear life. And I could tell he had a question ready. <"Dad, will you come down the slide with me?" he asked.> "Why?" I asked, peering up at him. <"I can't do it without you, Dad," he said, trembling. "It's too big for me!"> I stretched as high as I could to reach him and lifted him into my arms. We climbed that long ladder up to the clouds together. At the top, I put my son between my legs and wrapped my arms around him. We started laughing down the slide together.
- That's what God's hand is like.
- You try something that's too big for you. You could fail, or you could pray.
*So you pray, "Father, please do this in me because I can't do it alone! It's too big for me!" Then you step out in faith to do and say things that could happen only with His power.
(I would probably shout "God did that, nobody else! God carried me, gave me the words, gave me the power! And it's awesome!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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