Part 1:sibling arguments...

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                        [Pov of amelia]

Amelia:where is my phone...?

Amelia:wait one minute please say my brothers don't have it oh I know who?!

                       [Amelia shouts]

Amelia:ryan I know you have my phone give it back!

Isaac:stop shouting it's early lia!
(Lia is a nickname for amelia)

Amelia:no Ryan stole my phone!

Ryan:no I'm not giving you your phone I'm looking through it!

Amelia:you little-

Jay:amelia no saying those stuff!

Amelia:I don't care!

[Amelia goes into Ryan's room and get her phone back]

Amelia:try that again ryan then I'm gonna hide your stuff.

Ryan:I would like to see you try sorellina.
(Translation:little sister)

Evan:you two stop it pleaseee!

Amelia:lo dici tu, Evan.
(Translation:says you evan.)

Conner:just get dressed then-

[Jay cuts him off]

Jay:then go downstairs for breakfast then you two can talk it out on stealing her phone then it's school.

Amelia:fine brother is will.

[Amelia goes into her room]

Amelia:this will annoy them if I wear a crown top and I will wear these jogging since my school let's us where whatever wr want it's very good.

[Amelia goes downstairs]


Isaac:go change now bambina.

(Isaac says coldly)

Amelia:deal with it isaac as I'm not changing.

Isaac:then put a jacket over it.

Amelia:fine fine I will mu bossy person.

Isaac:no talking back little sister.

Words in story:236 words in sory

Sorry its too short but some of them will be short and some won't 😅😅

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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