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Angelina Marquez woke up to the sound of someone knocking at her window. The girl looked next to her and saw on her alarm clock that it was 5:30 in the morning.

Angel sighed as she rubbed her eyes, walking towards her window and seeing her boyfriend standing on her roof, right by her window.

"Morning mama." Tony says as he starts to climb into her room, Angel's eyes widening as she looked towards her bedroom door. 

"Ay, what if my parents come in here?" Angel questions as Tony starts to lightly pepper kisses on her neck.

"Let them hear." Tony says causing her to sigh, lightly pushing him off. "You have surfing to get to." Angel says causing Tony to let out a deep sigh.

"Will I be seeing you later?" Tony questions, Angel humming as she pondered. "I'm sure you will." Angel says as she presses a chaste kiss against her boyfriend's lips.

Tony grinned as he pulled away, jumping out the girl's window. Angel shook her head as she got herself back into bed, but not before hearing something that woke up the neighborhood for sure.

"I love you Angelina Marquez!" Tony shout as he skates away, Angel covered her mouth with a laugh, her face flushed as she shut her window.

That afternoon, Angel was stood in the skatepark with Skip, the man was showing her the new wheels as Angel nodded along with his words.

"They're made of oil man. They'll grip." Skip says as they both take notice of the skaters climbing the fence.

"Who's got bad karma? I said, who's got bad karma?" Skip shouts causing all of the boys to rush over.

"I got the worst karma, Skip." "Dude, right here, Skip." The boys say, their voices jumbling together as they climbed atop the table, surrounding both Angel and Skip.

Angel laughed as Tony grabbed the board. "It's my board." Tony says as he presses a quick kiss to Angel's cheek, hopping off the bench and onto the board.

"Come on, you little pervert." Skip shouts. Angel watches as her boyfriend skates, her eyes wide with awe. "Holy shit." Angel murmurs as her boyfriend skates back over.

"Nice." Angel says in slight awe. "Ripping, dude." Skip says as he and Tony do their handshake. "Is that all right or what?" Skip questions causing Tony to nod with a wide smile. "Insane. Insane." Tony says as he moves to wrap an arm around Angel.

Angel presses a quick kiss to his cheek as the boys continued to skate. The girl turns and sees Kathy and Thunder Monkey, the girl immediately rushing over and hugging them close. 

"Oh, I missed you." Kathy says, this made Angel giggle. "How've you been?" Angel questions both Thunder Monkey and Kathy as she wraps her arms around their shoulders.

"Hey, dude, is that your sister?" Stacy questions, this made Angel, Kathy, and Thunder Monkey turn to the group.

"I grew up, Stacy." Kathy bites back, Angel giggling lightly. Tony turned to Angel, puckering his lips slightly, mimicking a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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