Help Me

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Requested by @Fanfic___Stories2009

Warning: Mentions of physical, sexual, and mental abuse. Read with caution.


Tony's POV

"You really are worthless."

Chloe, Tony's 'girlfriend', said as she threw her water that he had just gotten for her at him. Apparently, it was too cold. Tony muttered an apology before picking up the glass and returning to Chloe's kitchen.

Tony and Chloe had been 'dating' for three months now, and those three months have been awful for Tony. Max and Lucy had shared their concerns about Tony dating this woman and how she treated him, but there was nothing Tony could do except endure what she was putting him through.

What had happened was that Tony let Max convince him that they should go to a bar together and get a drink. Tony didn't drink much to stay sober and make sure Max didn't get into any trouble.

Everything that happened that night was fuzzy for Tony. He swore he had one or two shots, but the next thing Tony remembered was waking up in some bed with a girl he didn't know.

Tony thought the worst and the girl basically told him that if she was pregnant, Tony would have to stick around and provide child support. She never was pregnant, but she made him stick around anyway, claiming that they did have drunken sex and that he was hers now.

Chloe didn't treat him right, and Tony knew it, but he also didn't want to just up and leave either. If it got that bad, then he would leave, although even he questioned what 'that bad' was. She abused him, both physically and mentally, and Tony took it all.

"Tony, get out. I don't want to see you until tomorrow. You got some jobs I need you to do."

Tony didn't say anything as he started walking out of the apartment located downtown. Before he made it out the door though, Chloe grabbed his wrist and dug her nails into his skin at a bruising force.

"What do you say when you leave?"

Chloe growled, making Tony look at her as she grabbed his face and dug her nails into his cheek as well.

"Do I have to?"

Chloe quickly let go of Tony and punched him straight in the gut. He didn't go down, but he did have to clench his stomach from gaging or throwing up.

"What do you say?"

Chloe asked again as she grabbed Tony's throat and made him look at her once again. Tony didn't want to risk getting hurt anymore, so he gave in.

"Love... you... I'll see you tomorrow."

"That's a good boy. Now get lost!"

Chloe let go of Tony as she kicked him in the lower back before he opened the door and walked out. He yelped and quickly got away from her as she started laughing at his misery. As he walked to the bottom level of the apartment complex, Tony couldn't help but wonder why he was staying with her.

"Is it because of what happened at the bar? Or is there something else going on that is making me stay with her? It just seems like she guilts me to stay every time I think about leaving."

Tony wanted to leave, he honestly did. But with everything that happened that night, he couldn't get out of the relationship.

Tony cussed at himself while driving to the garage for not keeping himself in check that night at the bar. He was only supposed to have two shots, but no. He must've had more and gotten completely wasted. And then he had sex with a girl he didn't even know!

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