=》Break my heart

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I run away from the house only to get bumped into someone familiar

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I run away from the house only to get bumped into someone familiar...........................

?? - What happened y/n ?

Y/n - nothing niki



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NAME - niki

AGE - 17

EDUCATION - A high school student

SIBLING - none

BEST FRIENDS - y/n , Chaeyoung & jiwoo

PERSONALITY - funny , smart & gentle


Niki - then why are you crying ??

Y/n - i think I have got something in my eyes

Niki - let me help you

Y/n - nah , I'm really fine

Niki - y-

Y/n - my mom was calling me , sorry but I have to go

Niki - ok then , take care

I quickly went opened the door of my house only to get bumped into someone again why-

Taehyun - why are you crying y/n , did something happened ?

Y/n - no , just something got in my eyes

Taehyun - well I don't think so , tell me what happened and wait , why is there a red mark on your cheek did someone slapped you

Y/n - n-no

Taehyun - who is it ?? ( getting angry )

Y/n - I just got bumped into a wall

Taehyun - well , I know that you are lying so better tell me and if I got to know this by myself , you know what can happen

Y/n - just let me go

Taehyun - not until you tell me who slapped you

Y/n - ........ ( I stayed silent )

Taehyun - did mom slapped you

Y/n - no

Taehyun - did your that friend ( Niki ) slapped you

Y/n - no

Taehyun - did any of your friends slapped you

Y/n - no

Taehyun - did any stranger slapped you

Y/n - no

Taehyun - did yeonjun slapped you

Y/n - ........... ( silence )

Taehyun - did he really ( getting angry ) how dare he slapped you, I should teach him a lesson

I got scared if he gets to know about my crush on yeonjun then I'm probably dead

Y/n - no please don't, It was my mistake

Taehyun - why did you do to make him slap you

Y/n - I-i

Y/n's mom - my babys the food is ready come here fast

Taehyun - I'm leaving you now that doesn't mean I'll you forever , you have to tell me about everything after dinner okay

Y/n - ok

Now I have to come up with a story , O God why this is so hard

After dinner

I can feel taehyun oppa's graze on me like he want me to follow him but I can't make a good story so I ignored him and went to sleep instead but as I was about to sleep i remember that buttercup is going marry someone that is not me with that I busted into tears , how he can do this to me .....

How can he break my heart.....

I know he loves me too.......

Then why he is doing this ..........

Why he is breaking my heart.......

Gap // Choi yeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now