The wild night.

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*both meet up and hope in a taxi*

*peters speaks to the driver*, Markus thinks to himself, *what is we drink alot and we cant go home??... im scared.*

"Hey markus, you good okay tonight"

"thanks? you too ah"

"thanks <:)"

*markus blushes*

*They arrive at the club*

"Alright markus, dont go far ill meet with you in 3 hours, dont drink alot okay"

"Yes ma'am, wait whyd u bring me here if were not togther?"

"because ill be drinking with my friends online that go here, and youll be next to me, and pretend were dating. got that!?"

"yes, dating?, oh wait yes got it"

"okay ill get the drinks u can follow me to the table, becaus ei know you scared to be alone haha"

"Okay man, whatever *rolls eyes*"

*sits down with peters friends*

"So Mark, pete tells us yur dating him? is that right?"-man 1

"Uh yeah" *looks at peter* "Yes for along time, we love lvoe eachother" markus says nervious

"Huh, your abit, squished, lets give him some drinks" Girl 1

*Markus loks at peter, peter looks at him smiling wiht his eyes wide open, as if hes saying to go with it*

*an hour later*

"BAHAHA omg peter you so funny, no wonder why markus loves you ahha" girl 2

"Ha ha yeah, that is why" *winks at markus as everyone is drunk, yep even markus*

"haha.. say.., You guys havent even kissed once? like arent you guys madly inlove?" man 2

"oh haha.. uh. yeah thats because hes shy thats all!!.." Peter says..

"Omg kiss, ill pay for our drinks fi you do !!!" girl 1 says

*peter and markus both think 'WHAT, KISS?'*

They both look at eachother, and then look at eachothers lips, then both lean in..

*Kiss*...                   "Huh, they really are haha" Girl 2

*all laughs but peter and markus, there looking at eachother, rememeber both drunk*

As peter is starting to feel soft for markus, markus thinks peter wont even remember this in the morning, but whatever he thinks, there drunk and "inlove".

*An hour later*

While peters friends make out and everything, they both are sitting next to eachother, alone.

"so, what do we do now?"- markus

"well make out of course" peter winks

"Gosh your drunk.. we just kissed thats enough"

"Yes but were, "Inlove", arent we?"

"Yes but-"

*peters kisses markus and leans over to go on top of him*

As they make out, lucy and her friend are there to find poeple they know and laugh at them.

(Lucy POV)

"wait.. is that.. PETER AND MARKUS?, Mellamy look, its the nerd markus pookie and peter his bully" -lucy

"woah, im taking a pic, i bet there drunk, i mean look at how many bottles are there"

"Haha yeah....." *thinks to her self" ill show markus tomorrow the photo, and see if he rememebrs..."

"Okay lets go, we found people and im so tired, lets hit the hay"- mellamy

"yeah.. okays lets go" 


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