1~ Dark Cold Eyes

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The smell of rusting iron filling his nostrils as he tried to take a deep breath, the blood dripping down from the side of his face clearly showing how brutally he was forced to keep in chains that was surrounding his worn out body with chair.

The sound of walking steps echoed through the place when the man raised his head to see him standing in front of him. The person, who came just now, smirked and forwarded his hand when his man gave him his silver gun.

Hoseok: Let's keep it straight. Tell me how much he offered to you and I will let you go.

Hoseok spoke smirking as it was the most normal thing for him as the tip of his gun touched the chin of man who was tied to chair. He shivered in fear as he shook his head only to make Hoseok to let out a long sigh.

Hoseok: Listen boy, it's better to tell the truth because you're inviting your own death right now. He won't be happy to hear your bullshit and will come to take your life.

Man: F-Fifty million dollars.

The man spoke while stuttering. A loud bang rang in room when he shot his leg and the man cried in pain while he was there looking at the man with his dark cold eyes which have no mercy and emotion in them. They were void of everything except coldness.

Jungkook: Once a traitor is always a fucking traitor.

He titled his head looking at the man like a hawk before punching his face and the man along with the chair fell down on the ground. Jungkook's eyes were full of anger and coldness when he moved towards the man before placing his foot on the face of the man and pushed him hard. The man cried in pain and started trying to take breath when Jungkook put his foot on his neck as his eyes bore a hole in the brain of man.

Jungkook: Where is he? One wrong answer and you will be buried alive here.

He warned as his jaws clenched while Hoseok just looked at Jungkook, from last year he has seen him becoming a beast and the completely heartless person after she died. Hoseok's attention got diverted when the man yelled in pain only to see Jungkook has put knife in his hand.

Hoseok: Jungkook he will die.

Jungkook: Tell me where is he?!

Man: N-Night-Chain Club.

Jungkook moved away and pulled out his gun before shooting multiple bullets in the man's chest and he laid lifeless there before he put his gun back and started walking out. Hoseok sighed and signaled his men to follow who were shivering badly because of fear, but stopped when Jungkook spoke.

Jungkook: Feed his body to dogs. They need to eat.

The smell of alcohol and smoke filled the air of club, as he moved his way towards the VIP section. His eyes followed every corner of the club while the people moved away when they recognized who is he.

The women drooling over him ready to throw themselves on him, while men looked at him fear. He was not the womanizer, but the rumors have their own way. He took the glass of champagne and adjusted his earpiece before eyeing the women with a smirk.

Taehyung: Found him.

Yoongi (On Phone): He is alone right now... Right chance to kill him.

Taehyung: Sexy.

Jimin: Focus on the target not on those drooling creatures.

Jimin rolled his eyes before going inside to complete the mission while Taehyung followed him smirking. After killing the person, who betrayed them they went out of the club before whispering in their earphones.

Jimin/Taehyung: Make dumplings... Coming home.

Standing in front of the wall he looked at the picture that told millions of memories of his. The memories where he was happy and innocent, the memories which told about his life, the person in the picture was happy and his eyes showed thousands of emotions.

And it was because of the girl he was holding. He was holding his love and his life in his hands, his Y/n. Their first dance was the best memory for him in the form of picture. He took out his hand from his pocket and moved towards the picture caressing her face details.

Jungkook: It's been a year.

He talked to her like always as she is listening to him. His heart was alive just because of her; this is how much he is in love with her. He was tired of everything and he was tired of crying when this time came, where he doesn't know... How to cry...

From legal to illegal business, he was dominating the world yet he wished that she was here to dominate him. The door opened and one and only person, who he talks to, came inside. Mr. Song sighed looking at him still in the memories of her.

Mr. Song: Good morning... The car is ready for office.

Jungkook: Okay.

He said and again became quiet; Mr. Song turned to walk away but turned back to him and walked to him before placing a hand on his shoulder.

Mr. Song: For how long Jungkook... She is---

Jungkook: She is not dead, Mr. Song... She is alive.

His voice was stern and full of warning like always whenever someone tried to say that she is dead. Her voice every time rang in his ears telling him how much she loves him and her eyes he saw last time that day always came in his dreams... Asking him to not forget her.

Mr. Song: We have searched every nearby area... Still they are searching but didn't found her.

Jungkook: I don't know when, but I will find her again. We didn't find her that day, because she is alive... Do you remember Mr. Song few years ago I was standing in front of you as an innocent boy and you asked me what I feel about her? I didn't answer that day and you told me "answer it when your hearts tells the answer", right? He is crying for her because he has lost its piece. Her heart makes it complete just like this, she makes me complete. Without her, I'm nothing but a monster everyone is afraid of. I can feel her heart and my heart knows that his piece is alive. She is here among us, just a little far away. She will come... Soon.

Her eyes sparkling as she smiled with her whole heart. Her hair were loosely hung in curls till above her hips, looking at herself one more time through the window of a building she took a deep breath. Walking a head, she held files closer to her chest and read the building name.

'The Jeon's Enterprises'

Looking around once again, she bit her lips out of nervousness. No time for nervousness, she has to get this job or otherwise she would come on streets like a beggar. Her eyes landed on few people with machinery that was uploading the heavy metal pieces to the upper floor.

Her innocent self got excited just looking at these things before she saw the car pulling in front of the building and everyone got alert and stood still in front of him as he came out of the car. She blinked her innocent bambi eyes looking at the man.

Secretary: Mr. Jeon, good morning.

"Oh my god... He is the CEO."

She thought looking at the person when she saw the metal rod that was uploading at top floor moving, until her eyes met the person without thinking twice she started running towards him and held his arm and pulled him towards him and at the same time metal fell down making everyone gasped.

They both fell down rolling on each other before her back met the ground and he stayed on top of her, he moved back only to get shocked by seeing the woman he loves in front of her when she opened her eyes and found dark cold eyes looking at her with wide eyes.

Y/n: Mr. Jeon...

Jungkook: Y/n...


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