Chapter 1 Uzumaki Naruto

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Once upon a time, there lived a fox spirit with nine tails. This fox spirit was so powerful that one shake of his tails, would result in landslides and tsunamis!
The suffering this creature caused had reached its hilt, as the people he terrorized raged war, dispatching every great Shinobi clan to fight this monster. One brave ninja, was able to imprison the spirit, defeating the fox once and for all, but losing his life in the process...
...That Shinobi, was the fourth hokage, the fire shadow champion of the village hidden in the leaves...

Another bright and beautiful day in Konoha, and.... the great Hokage monument is being defaced.
By none other than the town terror, Uzumaki Naruto!
"HA HA HA HA!" He's screaming with laughter, straight into the air. Marveling over his nosebleeds and poop drawings marring the statues.

With such loud maniacal fun, the Shinobi of the village are taking notice. How could they not?
"LORD HOKAGE!!!" One yells, running into the office of Sarutobi Hiruzen, The Third Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village.
And he's already aware, "Yes? What is it? Some new outrage by Naruto, I presume?"

"That young devil is graffiti-ing, the mountainside images of all the heroes of our village, your honored forbears!"

"IN PAINT!" Another screams.

Sarutobi simply sighs, placing his hat upon his head. "Hmf." He thinks to himself, just another day, like any day...

Now even the regular people have gathered with the Shinobi into a rather large pack to yell at Naruto.

Naruto, not one to waste a moment of attention, spins himself around on his rope suspension, biting back with all the vigor of his youth. "LOOOOSERS!! WANNA-BE'S! YOU DONT HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO DO SOMETHING THIS LOW! I RULE AND YOU DROOL!"

The Third Hokage, finally stomps his way out as the crowd makes way for him, "How dare you?! WHO do you THINK you are?!"

"Eh?" The Third Hokage looks to his left and sees, someone standing too close beside him, its Umino Iruka, Naruto's mentor, and guardian.

He bows swiftly, "Lord Hokage...I cannot apologize enough..."

"Oh! Is that you, Iruka?"

Iruka nods then turns in the direction where Naruto is, takes the deepest breath, and screams with all his might "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, YOU IDIOT? GET DOWN FROM THERE AND GET BACK TO CLASS!"

"WAH!!" Naruto starts to fumble. "My teacher Master Iruka!? I'm so screwed!"

And screwed he was, as Naruto ended up back in class, but this time, tied up with the very ropes he used to hang himself in the air as he climbed the monument.

"HRRN" Naruto grumbles loudly, turning his embarrassed face to the side.
Iruka, points angrily at Naruto, making him a spectacle for the class having put him up front. "Tomorrow all your classmates, will pass the final and graduate from the ninja academy! But the last two times finals came around, you flunked every course you'd taken in the secret arts!"

Naruto says nothing but Iruka goes on,
"Why choose now to do these stupid tricks? You moron!"

It wasn't a question, not really and Naruto felt that.
However, instead of taking it seriously, Naruto is still looking off to the side, only sarcastically replying "Sir, yes sir..."

...Which pisses Iruka off even more, so now the whole class has to suffer.
"Today in class, we'll be reviewing the art of transformation! EVERYONE LINE UP!"

The entire class goes "WHAT???!!!" And Iruka responds with "All you have to do is conjure a form that looks like me! HURRY UP!"

Iruka let's the others go before Naruto. He wanted Naruto to be last. "Right. Well done...Next up is Uzumaki."

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