Chapter 71

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"It's a good letter," said Ginny with a wistful smile from her perch on the kitchen counter. "I think it will mean a lot to her."

Harry took the parchment from Ginny's outstretched hand and placed it on the table next to a copy of The Daily Prophet, whose top story covered an attack by inferi. Reanimated corpses controlled by dark wizards served as yet another reminder that the war was growing. He slipped the newspaper away so he could fold his parchment into thirds without the distraught witch in the main photo weeping up at him. "You don't think it'll come across wrong?"

"No, I think it might be just what she needs."

He placed it into an envelope labeled "Hermione Granger" in his untidy scrawl and sealed it before he had time to second guess himself further. Harry didn't consider himself a very accomplished letter writer, much less an expert in talking about a subject as heavy as Viktor's death. He tied it to Hedwig's leg and opened the kitchen window before he could change his mind about sending it. His shoulders sagged a bit as he released a long sigh.

"Thanks for going over it for me. I probably would've ended up rewriting it another half dozen times, if not for you."

He hopped up onto the counter next to Ginny, who planted a quick peck on his cheek and laid her head on his shoulder. Harry's fingers interlaced with hers as some of the tension in him began to release.

"I'm glad to help out, for you and for her."

The two sat together for a few moments, their legs dangling off the floor as they enjoyed the relative peace until Ginny's head jerked up in excitement.

"I completely forgot what I was meaning to tell you! You were so flustered trying to write when I got here that I didn't give you the huge news from the Burrow!"

Her body suddenly shook with anticipation as Harry grinned at her. Of course, Ron had already sent word the night before that he had been hired by the twins to help run the counter for a few hours each day during the summer months, but Harry saw no reason to spoil Ginny's chance to give him the update. Ron had been thrilled at the chance to earn some extra spending money and was already well acquainted with most of his brothers' products, so the match made lots of sense to Harry. He cocked his head to the side and donned his most inquisitive look.

"Charlie's moving back from Romania!" she exclaimed with gusto. Ginny's face was painted with absolute glee as she squealed with delight. "He interviewed with the Dragon Reserve in Wales earlier this week, and he found out he got the job this morning!"

Before Harry realized what was happening, Ginny had pulled him off the counter and into an exuberant dance of joy. He found himself laughing along with her until she finished her impromptu explosion of happy emotions with a crushing hug around his midsection.

It had been nearly a decade since the Weasley clan had all lived in such close proximity. Bill had joined the Gringotts apprenticeship straight out of Hogwarts, learning on the job in Thailand and Chile before settling into a more long-term assignment in Egypt. Charlie had followed suit by moving to Romania after his schooling, working his way up the ranks at the dragon reserve. Harry did not doubt that the entire family would be thrilled by the change.

Ginny laughed when Harry explained his assumption that she was going to reveal Ron's new job with Fred and George, and she was quick to bring up that her brother's goings-on weren't a high priority to her. She did give a mischievous grin when she acknowledged that his employment meant one less person to stumble upon them while they were exploring around the Burrow.

Quite unexpectedly, Kreacher entered the kitchen through some unseen passage that led from elsewhere into the pantry, causing both Harry and Ginny to jump. Neither was entirely accustomed to the presence of House Elves since both had grown up without them and Kreacher had not been around much the previous summer.

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