Alone together?

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The day was turning into night, and Beatrix had a stone in her heart. "Should I stay with my friends, or go with the nevers?" She kept asking herself. She decided to ask someone else for help...

Beatrix's knocks on a golden door. "Huh? Beatrix? Uh, do you need some help with some questions?" Clarissa asked, confused. Clarissa hair was in a messing bun. She didn't have her tight corset on as usual. She was wearing a dark blue edge robe. "I need help with something, that isn't homework..." Beatrix answered, looking complex. "Oh, well, come in, then," Clarissa said calmly.

Beatrix walked into a nice clean room with a flag? As she walked closer to the flag, she saw it was a Bisexual flag. "Would you like some tea?" Clarissa asked politely. "Yes, please," Beatrix answered. Beatrix sat down on a soft, light pink couch. There were stuffed animals everywhere, they were comforting... the whole place was comforting. It was confusing.

Clarissa sat down on the other couch and handed Beatrix the tea. "So what do you want to talk about, Beatrix?" Clarissa asked. "I...I... today a nice group of people asked if I wanted to sit with them because they saw how uncomfortable I was with my friends... they said that I could be their friend as well but I don't know if I want to go to them or my other friends..." Beatrix said, looking at her tea. "That is a very tough decision.... well, do your friends accept you for who you are?" Clarissa asked, sipping her tea. ".... I don't think so?" Beatrix answered. "We'll, there's your answer, if they don't accept you for who you are, they aren't true friends. Friends will be there for you through everything. Fake friends will only be there sometimes, " Clarissa told the student. "Oh..." Beatrix said, taking a sip of her tea. "Thank you, Professor Dovey." Beatrix said, standing up.

The next day, Beatrix felt better. There was no confusing stone in her heart anymore. She walked up to her 'friends'. "Ugh, there you are. We've been looking everywhere for you!" The friends said. "I need to tell you something," Beatrix said. "Spit it out then!" The friends said rudely. "I don't want to be your friend anymore." Beatrix said confidentiality. "WHAT?!" The friends yelled. "I said I don't want to be your friend. You're toxic." Beatrix said, walking away. "WELL YOUR A BITCH!" The 'friends' said.

The whole school's heard that... they heard something that someone was trying to change about themselves.

Hester threw a pancake at the so-called friends' heads. Then all hell broke loose. The schools started a food fight. Lesso and dovey walked in disbelief, and they were extremely disappointed in everyone. "STOP IT!" Dovey yelled as lesso closed her ears. Lesso didn't like loud noises. They both knew that, that's why dovey yelled for her, but when lesso has to yell on her own, she's somewhat fine. The whole school's looked at the disappointed deans. Hester looked at lesso with the face. 'I did it for my friend'. Still lesso was mad.
Dovey and lesso took Hester for Interrogation.

"Why did you do it?" Dovey asked with a strict face. "Someone was being rude to my friend," Hester said, looking at the ground. "So you caused a food fight?!" Lesso confronted. "They called her a bitch, I had too." Hester said. "They called her what?" Dovey asked. "A bitch, because she unfriended them" Hester said. "Who was it?" Lesso asked. "Beatrix's old, friends," Hester answered. "We see," lesso said. "You can go now, Hester. Thank you for this information," Clarissa said calmly.

Lesso and dovey Sat there, think of what to do. Should they punish them? Should they let them go? Would the 'friends' bully Beatrix if they punish them? What to do? It was confusing.

"I'm proud of you," Hester said. Beatrix looked up happy. They were hanging out near Dovey's garden. It was peaceful. They were at peace. They weren't enemies at this moment. They were friends. They were alone, together. They felt like two halfs connected after centuries of being apart. They felt like they were the deans. Two halves were so different but so close. The deans looked like they were closer than collegees. Closer then friends... The deans were different from them. They were like they belonged together from the start of time. The deans were like a couple. Scolding the students but also showing them change and generosity. They were like two moms trying their best to raise a bunch of kids...

AN: The deans are definitely confusing for the most part.
Word count:779

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