Bryan and vendi if they where the copacabana song

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I wasn't sure how to do the title but anyway the song is basically if I'm correct it's about a performer and a bar tender who are in love! (There is ofc more) it's a great song one of my favourites lol! Anyway I thought it would be cool if this was with Bryan and vendi! I think Vendi would be the performer and Bryan the bar tender not sure why I just think it's cute! I made/making a video about this and thought of a bunch of cute things they'd do and I wanted to share it!

After Vendi's performances are done Bryan would still have to work for a few more hours so I think Vendi would stay and just chat with Bryan at the bar.

Bryan definitely has all of Vendi's favourite drinks memorized and always has his favourite drinks ready for vendi after his performances.

Bryan often forgets to do his job cuz he's too buzzy watching Vendi's performances and often gets in trouble with his boss because of complaints that he isn't making the drinks.

Bryan would always bring spare clothes for vendi as Vendi always complains to Bryan about how uncomfortable his outfit is.

They would often talk bad about customers they didn't like or how they didn't like their boss.

Bryan would have to clean the bar before going home so Vendi would come to help him just so they could talk more.

Vendi would try and dance with Bryan when he was walking to tables with drinks but Bryan didn't know how to dance so he'd try and run away saying he needed to give people drinks.


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