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The noise,the sound,the voice it absolutely terrify him,and no he didn't ever,even in his wildest dream ever dreamt of being scared of the teen he comes have trusted as his best friend. More so he's seen dream yea,but mostly the dream consisted of him being the monster,killing,seeing that horrifying, petrified disgusted face in the raven's face,directed at no other then him that yea,he's the monster here,he killed him,he is the one who contains the filth inside him,after waking up in the haze of sleep he knock Megumi's door, begging him to just kill him when all his rationality is thrown out of a window because he knows he's two much of a coward to ask for it in the right state of his mind

It started and Megumi would look at him with those sad,sad eyes,and it hurted him too to him that way,but it's for the better isn't it? He would be better of dead, that's a fact

Crazy how each day the look,each time he'd come knocking changed, gradually,but it did,how the sad look changed to rage and rage to tired and finally malice

He didn't notice anything

Right now,he pressed himself more to the wall,if a stranger saw probably think that he's trying to merge with it. Hand pressed to his mouth trying to muffled his erratic breathing,and the heart jackhammered in his chest,desiring to leap out of the ribcage and just go

It obviously didn't work,the breathing was a dead giveaway but still,he felt the footsteps retreating

"I-ta-do-ri" the voice way playful, way to playful, almost smug-actually scratch that,it is smug, and yuji's sure if he listens more carefully he'll be able to imagine the grin too

His hands shook violently as he recalled the events that took place just a little while ago,he he saw the shikigami user stab his friend-the blood splattered still on his shoes a little as well as his hands-and made a run to chase him and Yuji ran like a dog

He looked those hands,bruised and scarred,blood on them,as no matter how much he tries he couldn't, couldn't make them stop trembling,the shook like their was a earthquake going on right now and yuji's vision was growing black and

No,no he refused to black out,he gripped on the thread of concious way to tightly as he quickly made his way to the stare case now that the noise of retracing footsteps was no longer audible

He ran on the stairs,no even trying to make his footsteps light,he knows he can only shoes one at the moment, stealth ot strength and right he needs to get out

Of the building as soon as possible

And in his mind he's berating as to where is gojo-sensei




The noise of his own heartbeat felt to loud,focusing on not trying to trip as he finally reached the floor

It was hard as in his shadow he can see tantical reaching for his leg and as the one got to close and how he almost lost his balance-

Heade the mistake of not looking before running and the yelp escape him before he even registered it as he was slammed near a wall,the adrenaline that was running through his veins quiting down and he couldn't help but curse at it,the throbbing pain in his head on increase due to the head hit as he refused to open his eyes

"Now,now,open your eyes pretty" and there was something there,in the voice,that he couldn't help but obey it,a part of his whispers that the results won't be pretty nice if he doesn't-his self preservation probably,never ever had he listened to it before..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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