Beach Days

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OK. I know Im updating like crazy, but I have so many ideas lolll. I'll stop updating so much in a few days and kinda mellow out, but for now, enjoy the chapter!!!

"Travis, they're all parked right there; why do you have to keep driving?"

"He wants the perfect spot, Tay. You know how shitty of a parker he is, you don't want him crashing the car."

Patrick sticks his big head between our seats, having to get his word in as Travis finally picks a spot in the middle of nowhere.

"You could have at least dropped me off closer."

"I'm just trying to help. You said you want to keep up with your walking."

Travis leads me through a beaten-up, rocky path toward the sandy beach I've been waiting for. I clutch onto his hand when he starts chasing Patrick, who has been running through the sand nonstop since he left the car.

"Seriously, you two act more like children than the actual children."

"You just lost all your fun the minute you got pregnant."

"Well, who's fault is that? I kinda remember someone else being the one that wanted sex that night."

"Wait, you mean Travis wanted sex and actually won for once? He's always telling me about the times you say you're too tired. That's amazing!"

Patrick jogs back towards Travis for a high five while they rejoice about their sex lives as if I wasn't here.

"Travis, I know you're lying right now unless you have someone besides me who has sex with you multiple times a day. We haven't done that in a year."

"Let me imagine it, okay? It's not hurting anyone."

"Tayyyyyyy!!" James rushes through the sand, right up to me. "Are you gonna play with me? I brought all my sand buckets!"

"Of course I am! We brought you some toys, too."

"What about Maisie? She needs toys."

"Well, she's a baby, so we brought her some blocks, but I think she'd love it if you helped her play with them."

"Okay!" She takes the bag of toys from me as we reach where Blake, Ryan, and their other three kids are waiting for us. "Look, Mommy, we got new toys!"

"Wooow baby, those are so cool! Did you say thank you to Auntie Tay and Uncle Trav?"

James drops the toys and jumps in Travis's arms, pulling me closer for a group hug as she gives us the greatest thank you ever.

"Thank you, Travis and Tay and baby!"

"Aw, you're welcome, honey. We brought you a big beach ball, too."

Travis has Patrick blow it up while James gets him and Ryan excited to play whatever games they can make up.

"She's been talking nonstop about seeing you, Travis, and the baby since we told her we were coming here this morning. I don't think she's made it through even one sentence without your names."

"I've been excited too. I wanted to hold this little one. She's getting too big." I look down at Maisie snuggled up in my arms. "And those little sunglasses are adorable. She's the perfect little beach baby."

"Oh, just wait until you see her bathing suit. James wanted her to have two outfits, so we will change her later. How are you feeling? Ready to be done yet?"

I Look down where I can see the baby kicking and moving around safely in my belly, enjoying all the time she's getting to herself.

"I'm ready, really excited now that we have everything set up, but I do kinda like the moments of just us when I can feel her moving around. I can't wait to see her with Travis, though. He's been talking about everything he wants to do with her."

"I bet. It's so incredible to see your husband be the father of your kids, and nothing sexier too" She elbows me softly, laughing.

Maisie wakes up screaming, causing James to put her game on hold to help Blake change her to play in the water.

"She's excited." Travis sits next to me, putting his hand on my belly. "I can see her foot trying to poke through. I think she wants to be out playing with all of us."

"She can hear all the excitement going on. She was doing flips when you and Patrick had James laughing."

"She knows I'm going to make her laugh like that allll the time." Patrick sits next to us, and the baby continues to go crazy.

"What if she doesn't stop moving when you're in labor? Like, what if she's mid-kick when she comes out?"

"You know how to run any moment, don't you?" I jokingly glare at him.

"He's just thinking of all the possible outcomes, baby. She could come out doing a split or something."

"Oh, or maybe she's going down a slide on her belly with her hands out first."

"Or on her belly with her feet first!"

"If that happens, you have to tickle her feet to see if she tickles. I'm counting on you, Trav."

"You two are assholes. You only think all this is funny because you aren't the ones splitting your vagina in half."

"Well, in our defense, we don't have those... soooo."

"Pat, I think that's our cue to shut up."

"Looooook! Maisie has her cute kini on!!"

James gets our attention as everyone walks back, with Maisie stealing the show.

"Aww, she looks so comfortable in it!" I take her from Ryan while James climbs on my lap so she doesn't miss out on any attention. "Are you going to play in the water with her?'

"I think I can help her swim."

"Maybe we should all go in if we're going to help her swim," Travis suggests as Ryan and Patrick force some floaties on Inez, and Betty. "We don't want her getting hurt."

Blake and I follow close behind as Travis, Patrick, and Ryan get both kids to cooperate and get excited about the water. James jumps around the whole way there, telling us about the fish and how he thinks Maisie will love them.

They let Maisie dip her toes in the water, but she screams as soon as she's even close to it.

"Well," Blake takes the poor traumatized baby back, "It was worth a try, I guess."

I stand back, watching Travis play with James, helping her strengthen her legs to swim better, wanting nothing more than to see this happen with our baby in a few years.

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