Talking to him

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You and the kids were playing together for a while now it was almost time for bed "Mrs.y/n" lily said "yes lily" you said to her " can we stay up longer then we usually do please Mrs.y/n" Lily said  " it's up to catnap not me but you can ask him" you said to Lily " NO HE WILL SAY NO PLEASE MRS.L/N" Lily pleaded for you to stay yes "i can't ma-" you said before you were cutoff "they said no lily so don't throw a tantrum so off to bed" catnap said before looking at you " she is a handful isn't she" cat nap said "yeah I guess" you looked at him "so what do I do now" you said catnap looked at you "you can go to sleep" he said "i don't want to go to sleep now" you said "that is not good for you're health you that y/n" catnap said " yeah Ik it's not ok but I like the kids I was just worried looking out for them" you said (if you don't like kids let's say that you just want to be up ok) catnap looks at you and picks you up you look at him "why you care about the fucking kids there are just going to test on" catnap said you look at him with a shocked expression on your face he looked at you "what" he asked "you just said fuck I thought that you guys are not allowed to say bad words" you told him "Ik that we are not able to say that type of language but I still say it but not in front of the 1-9 year old I say it around the older kids how old are you" he asked you "I'm 19" you told him as he looked at you he was surprised that you were 19 he thought you were in you 20 because how tall you are "what is do I have something on me or what" you asked him "no I thought that you were 23 that all" he told you

after 2 hours you to were in his room you yawned catnap looks over at you "I thought that you weren't fucking tired y/n" he giggled at you "that was 2 hours ago" you yawned again as he looked at him catnap sitting there just laughing at you "why are you laughing at me" you told him with a annoyed expression "I t's just so cute when you yawn" catnap said " fuck you" you told him as your face got red " what cat got your tongue" he teased you you got even more red than you were before "stop" you told him as he was laughing harder than he was before " What can you not laugh at you kitten?" You turned into a tomato this point, but you were hiding your face in a pillow you found "did you just call me kitten" you told him with shocked express " yeah so what about it" he said as he was getting closer to your face " you know that you're cute, right" catnap said, while looking at you smiling " I'm really not" you told him as he kissed you on the lips "WHAT WAS THAT FOR" you're yelling at this point shock that he really did that " why are you yelling for" catnap said as he was looking at you then he grabbed you by the waist, an coddle the rest of the night

(Hi you guys the next chapter is going to be spicy so if you don't like that you can go to the next chapter I will be posting every Monday through Friday bye you guys I hope that you like this on❤️)

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