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Sadie's eyes fly open when she hears the knock on the door then her mom's voice "You still up for a story tonight bug?" her kind gentle words always soothed the girl "Yeah mom of course"  she shuffled toward her bed covered in stuffed animals, she lifted the comforter cuddled up next to sadie

"What do you want to hear today?"

"My Story"

"Your story, okay perfect that's my favorite"

She rubs her hands getting prepared "There was a girl named Sadie she was a princess soon to be queen. she was humble, gorgeous, and so very kind, she spent her days going on big journeys chasing wherever the wind took her, she was a force to be reckoned with. She was so perfect everyone in the kingdom could see just how much so" I giggle at her words this story was always my favorite too it gave me a warm feeling "Along the way of her life and treks, she found the one person who made her the happiest girl in the world, a love that was only possible in fairytales but for her anything was possible" I dreaded the story being over I wanted her to tell the whole thing over again "mom will I ever find true love?"

"Yes sweetie but remember to love yourself first, you are the most important thing"

"Yes I am" I try to sound confident

"Whoever you love will be the luckiest person on this entire earth"

"Like you and mom?"

"Yeah just like us, now it's late get some sleep" she nodded in response

she presses a firm kiss onto my head and tucks me in "Love you mom"

maman walks in and hugging mom first then sadie "je t'aime encore plus, ma douce fille" she kisses Sadie on the forehead maman, toi et maman pouvez-vous me raconter une histoire demain?" she stutters out, since she's still slowly learning french from her moms ( maman means mom in french) "super chérie française and of course maybe I can even sneak you a cookie" she says


Sadie jolts awake sitting up immediately. Once she stares at the wall for about 10 minutes thinking about the nightmare that had occurred again, she finally pushes herself out of bed at almost 1pm due to staying at the precinct till 4am getting interrogated and explaining more things to her new lawyer.

she immediately searches for her tea and some type of food "You've got to be kidding me" she mumbles learning that she was left with nothing but some pickles and milk that is definitely expired. she looks over at the TV apparently there was another spotting of the mysterious man in the mask she rolls her eyes with a breathy laugh, grabs her keys, and starts the walk to the nearest convenience store

She walks around scoping everything out as if she hasn't been at this store a million times, some guy hits her shoulder, and her groceries almost get knocked out of her hand but she catches it before it can hit the ground. she turned around to get a good view of the guy all she caught was that he had brown hair and was sporting some dark red glasses, she knew exactly who he was. Matthew Murdock, the womanizer, the biggest asshole of all time, and Foggy nelsons best friend. She only knew Matthew due to the fact that Foggy and Sadie became friends in college, Now they live right across the hall from each other forced to deal with the awkwardness and silent rage.

So it was fitting that he said nothing, and didn't even look her way. That bitch she thinks but dares not to say.

when she gets home she finally gets to make toast and drink her tea

she finally feels as if she got her life together she places a vinyl on her record player and lets it play sitting there on the couch doing nothing but enjoying the silence and peace.


She glances down at the stacks of bills and various papers laying on her coffee table and there it sits, the damn legal papers for her accused murder. If she was gonna be honest she still couldn't wrap her head around it.

she leaps up from the couch running to her bedroom reaches for her phone scrolling through her contacts.

"hey Ari i know I went radio silent for a while a lot has been happening but want to go to teddys?"

"I'm always down to get drunk"


Now an 3 hours later the two girls are seven margaritas "how are you feeling?" aria yells over the loud music "better than before" Sadie shouts back looking around at the beams of blue light that filled the room "I gotta use the bathroom hold on"

she walks out of the bathroom, aria no where to be seen, her phone goes off

went home with cute flannel guy
don't wait up

then just like that she didn't feel as good anymore, she stumbles out of the bar and joins the hot new York streets. As she walks down the street smiling to herself she hears shuffling coming from an alleyway. she slowly walks over to see a man and a woman, the man is holding a knife to the woman's throat and without a second thought Sadie stomps over to the pair "Hey dickwad let her go"

"you talkin to me?" he scowls but she doesn't back down

"who else would I be talking to"

"you wanna get killed to bitch?" she lunges forward punching the guy right in the nose he scoffs snatching her arm, she leans back barely missing his fist which causes him to stumble backward and smacking into the wall

noises could be heard coming from the roof

They all pause

then before she could even process what was happening, there he was the man in black, body slamming the man on the cold concrete "Keep your hands to yourself" she heard him mumble the bigger guy put up a fight, not taking no for an answer the man in black punches him this time it was harder which made the man groan "leave" with fear in his eyes he speed walks away.

"get a taxi, you shouldn't be walking home at all, walking home drunk is even more dangerous" she blanks not saying anything (also how did he know she was drunk)

"yeah sure I'll get a taxi, but y'know you kinda scary" She gets no response only a glare and a head tilt

"well good night Mr. mysterious guy dressed in black"

a/n- we're getting even deeper into the story and her past her

Lost Again •Matt Murdock•Where stories live. Discover now