⌞ seven : home ⌝

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"Welcome to the Monaco Grand Prix! With Monaco's golden children, the Leclerc twins, both fighting for a pole." 


"We have started our descent into Monte Carlo. Fasten your seatbelts and thank you for flying with us." 

I looked out the window, smiling as the city came into view. My smile grew and I could feel Jules smiling at me too. No matter how often I returned to this little town I called home, I always felt giddy. To see the mariana with all the yachts, the old roads that would soon turn into the city circuit, the buildings, the cars. All of it. Monte Carlo was home. And I was finally back. 

"Welcome home, Lu." 

I smiled back at Jules but kept my eyes on the window. I didn't want to look away, scared it would all be a dream. I would open my eyes and be back in my room, the alarm going off for Saturday morning practice. But it was real. I was here. I was actually here. 

The flight attendant came by, taking away the trash from the food Jules had ordered. We knew that it would be a while before we would eat. We had to get off the plane, get his car from wherever he had stored it, and then make our way to the markets to get food. Not to mention, he would probably end up pulling me into stores to buy random things he had seen but wanted to make sure I enjoyed it before spending the money. 

There was also the chance that we would be stopped by fans who either lived in the city or had come early for the GP. The city started to fill up weeks in advance. Monaco was one of the biggest GP's of the year and millions of people came to the little coastal city for it. The casinos also had a certain appeal. 

"Alright, plan." 

I drew my eyes away from the window, a pang in my heart. "Plan?" 

"Car, shops, home." 

"That seems like the very simplified version." 

Jules snorted. "I promise, that is all we're going to be doing." 

"No extra stops." 

He held out his pinky and I locked mine with it. "Now, what car did you leave?"

"The Ferrari." 

"Which one?" 

"The red one." 

I sighed, rolling my eyes. This was probably the richest-sounding conversation ever. "Which red one?" 

"Your red one." He smirked. "I planned on dragging you back with me." 

I snorted. "Careful, people would think you're playing favorites." 

"I love all my godchildren equally, but you're my girl." 

I rolled my eyes but there was a smile on my face as he dramatically pulled me into a hug, squeezing me until I couldn't breathe. I tapped myself out but still kept my head resting on his shoulder as I watched us land, the city highlighted by the sunset. 


"I am so underdressed." 

Jules snorted at me as we walked down the streets of Monaco. We had parked the car down the street and just decided to walk to the markets. It was a nice night, a lot of people were walking around. And it was pretty easy to tell who were locals and who were tourists. Example: the people staring at all the cars. 

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