⌞ eleven : shopping spree ⌝

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"Do it for yourself. One person to prove everything to." 


The next few weeks were as one would suspect. Mako and I running around Monte Carlo during the day, doing whatever the hell we wanted and then I would spend the evenings with Jules. Occasionally, Lottie and Jules would join us and we would make it some weird version of a "family outing". But all of that ended when I realized what day it was. 

My alarm went off and I was a little confused as to why I had an alarm. I rolled over, a bit pissed off as to why I was being woken up with the sun. And then I saw the date. Shit. I sighed and hit the off button, rolling back over to stare at the ceiling. It was Grand Prix weekend. And the rest of the family would be landing in a few hours. 

I sat up right as Jules walked in. He gave me a knowing look, the ones I always tried to avoid but this time I didn't. I let him sit on the bed and pull me into his lap. I felt like a little kid again but it was heartbreaking to know that this little heaven was coming to an end. By the end of this weekend, I would leave Monte Carlo and probably wouldn't see him again until the holidays. 

"I know, mon amour." He kissed my forehead, running his fingers through whatever bit of my curls tangled in the middle of the night. "But let's enjoy the weekend." 


"Why don't we go shopping before they get here? A nice new paddock outfit." 

"Are you trying to bribe me into feeling better?" 

Jules snorted, lightly hitting the top of my head. "Non, I would never." 

"It seems like it." 

"We can go to Dior." 

I thought about it for a second, humming as I thought. "Oui, alright." 

"Knew it would work." Jules stood, pressing his forehead against mine which caused both of us to scrunch our noses. "Get dressed, I'll make coffee." 

I nodded, watching him leave before getting up. If we were going to Dior, I needed to wear something nice. I had the money but in stores like these, it was all about looks. If you didn't look the part, most of the time, they wouldn't take you seriously. 

I opened the closet, knowing exactly what I wanted. I grabbed the cut-off polo. I had it in every color they offered but opted for the navy blue. The next was a pair of trousers, low-waisted. They were white and still starch-pressed from the last time I wore them. It was just "slutty" enough I could be a teenager but rich enough they would take me seriously. 

Once I had those on, I went to my vanity. Makeup. Simple and soft. Mascara, a silver highlight that stood out against my now sunkissed skin, and lipgloss. All of that paired with pearl earrings, my silver cross, and a couple of Cartier bracelets. I looked like a Leclerc. But, for my own touch, I grabbed black combat boots ― Louis Vuitton, of course. 

After that, I clipped my hair back. It was nice to dress in my tax bracket, as Mako would say. I didn't get to dress this way often and so when I did, I tried to take pride in it. That would sound so spoiled to anyone else in the world but at this moment... I didn't care. I wanted to be proud of my last name for once. 

"Lu, coffee's done. Cup is sitting on the counter!" 

I smiled, knowing that he was going to get dressed and that we would accidentally match. We never planned it but we could come out at the same time wearing the same thing. Lottie joked that it was because we were mirrors of each other. I would argue that it was because Jules bought clothes when I did and subconsciously go with the same colors and designs.  

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