Chapter One

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Jesse's house - 1987

A birthday party for Jesse, 5 a short kid with only a few friends, Charlie is being gently prodded by Casey his mother towards Adam a quite boy with light blond hair, who's holding a cheap toy hockey stick aiming towards the goal.

As Charlie eventually walks over Adam misses his shot by half an inch, he looks over to the other boy and shakes his hand, as she quickly leans over and kisses his cheek, something the blond was told to do with family but just assumed the same with everyone.

Charlie quickly blushes and runs to hug his mothers leg

Casey's house - Early morning - 1989

In the driveway, 7-year old Evan plays with CRICKETT, a frisky cocker spaniel puppy.Casey, wearing a mechanic's jumpsuit, works impatiently on the carburetor of a Toyota Celica. 

Charlie pets the dog as he watches his mother work.

"Okay, okay... what now?"

Charlie quickly eyes the situation and grabs the 5/16 wrench from the toolbox.

"We're gonna be late again." Charlie groans 

"When did you ever care about getting to school on time?"

"We're putting up picture for parent's night" Charlie fiddled with his fingers reaching for the plastic hockey stick laid on the grass and plays around with it for a few seconds. "Righty-Tighty, lefty-lucy"

"thanks, look don't worry Char, you'll have plenty of time"

The carburetor wont seem to set properly, she bangs on it ruffly with the wrench 

"Darn it!"

"um... can dad come this time?"

Casey groaned eyes tightening out of annoyance "you know the answer to that"

"can't he come out for one day?"

"We've been over this a hundred times. It's too dangerous for him"

"But Jesse said that his dads coming... and Adam and Danny's dad"

Casey hands the wrench back down to Charlie "here Char... Finish this up for me"

Charlie beams as he climbs onto the bumper and screws the carb back together. Casey meanwhile strips off her overalls for the waiters uniform underneath.

"all the dad's are gonna be there"

"I get the point, kiddo but I'm not so bad, am I


"good. because I've been waiting to see your art projects all week and I'd feel terrible if all you thought about was your father not being there" Charlie disappointed, passes the wrench back to his mother

"done try it"

Casey gets behind the wheel, As she turns the ignition the engine roars to life. Charlie wears a proud smile arms on his hips.


Casey races through the school zone and heads for the main doors, Charlie's already got the car door open and his foot on the ground by the time the car skids to a halt. Casey checking her watch.

"Okay have a great day I love you, I'll pick you up later gotta go..."

Charlie blows his mother a kiss goodbye and runs into the school. Ad Casey pulls away, Mrs. Boswell, 35, taps the car window.

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