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*outside the diary POV*

Louis is calling.
I picked up the phone.
-Hey the person I love most in the whole wide woooorld.
-Oh well I love u too.
-I love you baby but seriously I'm sorry this is going to ruin our anniversary, but I crashed the car into a tree and my foot is stuck and I can't get it out. I'm sorry Harry. I tried everything. I just can't get out. I'm stuck. It's hurts so much. I tried to stay calm. I can't Harry. I'm so scared. I'm sorry. Harry.

He was crying.

-Baby baby baby, I don't care about the anniversary, where are you, have you called 911?
-Yes I did they are on their way.
-Okay Louis stay calm I will be there in minutes.
-PLEASE DONT HANG UP. PLEASE. Please stay with me...

I felt tears rushing down my face. I could see him stuck there in the car trying to stay calm. My boo always tries to be strong. But he can't be that person. Not this time.

-Louis breath. Take a deep breath. I will be there. You'll be okay. I love you sweetie. You'll be okay.

I heard sobbing from the phone.

-You'll be okay baby.
-What if I die Harry?!? WHAT IF ILL NEVER GET TO KISS YOU AGAIN?!? he screamed.
-LOUIS PLEASE CALM DOWN. Everything will be okay. You will not die. You're not hurt. You'll be just fine.
-Are you sure Harry? he sobbed.
-I promise. Everything will be as it used to.

I could feel him smile trough the phone.

-Hey boo, you know what? I'm 2 minutes away from you. I'll be there.
-Don't hang up. Don't leave me Harry.
-I'll never leave you.
-It hurts. It hurts. My leg. Harry it's bleeding. I'm scared.

My heart started beating faster.

-Louis it's okay. I'll see your car in a few seco...

I parked the car next to Louis car. I threw myself out of the seat and ran over to him.
What I saw was something I hoped I would never get to see. Louis leg was crushed, pointing everywhere. Blood stains on the seats and Louis stomach had a big glass shard in it. His face was full of pain and tears and I could see how painful it was.

He started to scream and cry more.
-HARRY SAVE ME, he cried out.
I tried to open the door, but I couldn't.
-Louis. Louis hey listen to me.
He nodded.
I tried to figure out a way to touch him. I knew he would be more calm if I touched him.
-Can you roll the window down? I said.
He nodded again and I saw tears flooding down his cheeks.
After a couple seconds the window was down and I could reach him.
I placed my hands on his cheeks and kissed him.
I could feel that Louis didn't want to let go. He thought this was the last time he would be able to kiss me.
I pulled away and stroke back his hair from his forehead.
-Don't cry baby. Everything will be okay.
Louis nodded and tried to pull me into a hug but it looked so painful so I hugged him instead.
I wiped his tears with my thumb and kissed him on the forehead.
-Everything will be okay.
I eventually thought about the glass shard in his stomach, and when I looked down I could see glass in his arms and thighs too.
-Okay Louis I know it hurts but you have to stay awake until the ambulance comes. Okay?
No answer.
-Harry. It doesn't hurt anymore, he whispered.
-No Louis, don't leave me. Everything will be okay please just stay awake.
He looked so sleepy.
I took a hard grip around his head.
I felt tears rushing down my face.
-You can't leave me. Please. Just stay. A couple more minutes. You can make it Louis.
He smiled and looked into my eyes.
-Kiss me. Kiss me like the first time.
I stroke his cheek and pressed my lips onto his. His soft wet lips met mine. His tongue danced around with mine and I figured as long as I kiss him he will stay here. He will think of something else and then he'll make it.
After maybe 1,2 minutes I heard ambulances. I let go of Louis and started to scream.
He smiled and started laughing.
I've never seen Lou more happy in his whole life.
I saved him.
If I hadn't come here and kept him awake he would've fell asleep to never wake up.
I smiled and kissed him again.
*diary POV*

Hi diary.
Bad news.
Louis crashed with his car today.
I'm at the hospital rn.
It's 04:56 am.
I'm still waiting in the waiting room for the doctor to tell me about him.
I'm so worried. I haven't seen or heard anything about him since we came to the hospital and they took him into some room and left me here to wait.
It has been 10 hours and 23 minutes.
Now 24.
I've called Louis parents, but they're on vacation in the U.S. so they won't be here until tomorrow because they tried to get on a plane but it was really hard to get here.
I just hope he's okay.
Wait I see some doctor coming this way.
Bye. xx

*outside the diary POV*

A man in white clothes now stood right in front of me.
I stood there with big eyes and big ears to hear what he had to say.
-Well... Louis is okay.
I smiled and thanked God.
-Can I see him?
-Wait let me finish. He is very injured and we almost lost him a couple of hours ago. But he'll just have to heal for him self, that means he'll be staying here for atleast 3 weeks.
-What about his leg? I asked.
-It was completely crushed and we're amputating right now. That's why this has taken so long. It would never heal by itself or with our help. The doctors is almost done, but Louis is in a deep sleep and has a lot of drugs inside him so you won't be able to see him for a few hours. I'm sorry for making you wait.
-No it's okay I just wanted to now if he is okay.
-Well he is. Now go home and get some sleep.
-No, I'm going to stay here.
He smiled.
-Well if you say so, there's a couch over there if u want to rest.
I thanked the doctor and layed down on the couch. A TV was on and there was some nature program playing.
I realized how lucky we are that he stayed alive, and I thanked God again for letting him live.
I then drifted into sleep.

Dear Diary~ H.S (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now