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(y/n) POV

"Mama?" I said as I tried to shake my mother awake, "Sorry kid, orders are orders." a man said as he raised his blade over his head, suddenly he was sent flying by a flying snake thing. "Hey, kid. What kind of women are you into?" a woman said as she jumped down from the roof.

 What kind of women are you into?" a woman said as she jumped down from the roof

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"Damn kiddo, you got a ton of cursed energy. Tell ya what if you can pass a little test I'll give you whatever you want." she said, "In Jujutsu there's a technique that can amplify physical strikes. It requires the application of cursed energy within a millionth of a second of the hit occurring. It's called the black flash. Do that and you pass." she said as she picked me up and whispered a tip in my ear. I ran and punched but nothing happened, I kept trying and I kept failing forcing me to dodge or take a hit! 'Don't think, just feel.' I remembered I closed my eyes and felt the bad energy Mama told me to push deep down and never let out. I dodged a punch and as I countered I put the bad energy into my fist and once it connected the man flew into the wall while black energy arched off his body. I could feel everything around me. I felt three men charging at me so I punched one man into the other two with black energy aching off them too, "Not bad kiddo. You exceeded all expectations, but you never did answer my question." She said, "Mama wake up." I said as I walked back over to my mother, "She's gone kiddo. Shit, you're way too young to leave alone." she said as she rubbed her head, "Oh I think I've got it! You're my kid now." she said, "What?" I said, "Don't think about it too hard, this benefits us both. You get a sexy new mom and I get the MILF status I deserve!" she said, "Die!" a man said as he tried to stab me, but the lady punched him in the nose and his head exploded! "No one touches my kid, I just got him, it's be a shame to have to replace him so soon." she said.

It's been four years since that day, and a year since Yuki adopted me. Yeah, the police kept giving her a hard time since she technically kidnapped me. I decided to accept Yuki as my new mom and started calling her mommy to make her happy. She's a pretty crappy teacher, but she did help me learn my innate technique. I call it Control Copy, I can copy up to ten innate techniques of anyone I touch, but there's a catch. I can only use one to two at a time, but using two is dangerous, last time I tried, I nearly blew my hands off. Also, techniques have values. Aoi's Boogie Woogie has a value of one, while Mommy's Star Rage has a value of two. The higher the value the fewer techniques I can copy. "Ready kiddo?" Mommy asked, "Yeah!" I said as I clapped swapping places with a can using Boogie Woogie, "God you're ugly." I said as the Cursed Spirit turned around.

"Coins!" it said before charging at me, I clapped and swapped places with a trash can, 'Star Rage!' I thought as I quadrupled the virtual mass of my fist and with one punch I exorcized the spirit, "Now for you

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"Coins!" it said before charging at me, I clapped and swapped places with a trash can, 'Star Rage!' I thought as I quadrupled the virtual mass of my fist and with one punch I exorcized the spirit, "Now for you." I said coldly as I punched a man in the leg shattering his knee, "P-Please! I'll do anything just don't kill me!" he begged, "Did my mother beg for her life like that when you and your buddies murdered her?" I asked, "W-What?" he stuttered, "You don't need these. You're no man." I said as I increased the virtual mass of my foot tenfold and crushed his balls, "Rest in piss." I scoffed before kicking him in the head splattering his brains and blood across the wall, "A bit less violent than the last one, I'll give it a...-C." Mommy said as she landed next to me while I kicked the blood off my foot, "So we need to talk...I'm gonna have to send you away for a while. You're gonna go live with your Japan." Mommy said, "You know who he is?" I asked, "Yeah, and he's a damned idiot. And don't worry, the government already knows you're coming so no big crises. Look this is hard for me, you're one of the few people I've gotten attached to, and sending you to that dumb ass makes me sick, but it'll be good for you. Japan's cursed spirits are...tougher, more dangerous than the ones here. Sure I can take you to St. Louis, Chicago, or New York to train, but you'll just plateau and I don't want that." she said.

Mommy saw me off she didn't cry, she never does. But she did give me a phone to keep in touch with her. Nearly fifteen hours later I landed and made my way through the airport looking for my ride to my new school. "Hey there kid." a man said drawing my attention.

"The name's Satoru Gojo, and I'm your dad

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"The name's Satoru Gojo, and I'm your dad." he said as he put his hand on my shoulder, 'Limitless? Six Eyes? Why does he have two inate techniques? And why are they both value three?!' I thought, "Come on give your daddy a hug!" he said, "Mommy was right, you're an idiot." I said, "SO HARSH!" he said never dropping that goofy attitueof his, like all of this was just a damn game, "Hey old man, how strong am I?" I asked, "Hm... from what I can tell, maybe a grade one, grade two at worst." he said, "So I'm not too strong?" I asked, "No you are, but compared to me, you're still weak as hell." he said.

Eyes of Imperfection (male child reader X adoptive mother Yuki Tsukumo)Where stories live. Discover now