Chapter 1

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(y/n) POV

"I SAID I WAS SORRY!" I cried as big sis Maki chased me around the track. I've been living at Jujutsu High for about a year now, I made friends with the new first years. I've mastered my innate technique and the application of my cursed energy, and thanks to big sis Maki, I'm pretty good with a sword now. I also learned that I can't just keep a technique permanently, I can hold onto a grade 2 technique for about four months before I lose it. "GET BACK HERE SO I CAN RIP YOU TO SHREDS!" big sis yelled, "BUT YOU'LL KILL ME! AND I'M TOO YOUNG AND ADORABLE TO DIE!" I cried, "WHO GIVES A DAMN! YOU DESERVE DEATH!" she yelled, "SECRET TECHNIQUE! PANDA BULLET!" I said as I kicked Panda at big sis before running away.

"Finally free." I said as I bought a soda, "Hey there kiddo." Mommy said as she tapped my forehead, "I thought you said that you didn't plan to return to Japan any time soon." I said, "I don't, but what kind of mom would knowingly let her kid stay in a dangerous place." she said, "You're the one who sent me here!" I growled, "Yeah yeah, look let's just go home, I'll cook your favorite." she said, "Mommy, I can't go. I've made friends, I have classes, but most importantly, Dad got clingy, and the last time I tried to leave he obliterated a love hotel." I said, "I see, wait love hotel?!" she said, "It was raining and cheap!" I said, "Ok ok, don't bite my head off, look I'm not dumb enough to stay here, I care enough to warn you. Beware of the night parade. You have a week to prepare, and please be careful. Stick close to your dad, he's a dipshit, but he's the strongest dipshit in the world." she said, "I FOUND YOU!" Big sis Maki shouted, "Bye sweetie!" Mommy said as she vanished.

"Big sis please let me down!" I said, "Not happening! You stole my bra and wore it as a hat!" Big sis snapped, "Panda and Inumaki told me to! They said it would be funny!" I said, "Is that true?!" Big Sis growled, "M-Maki let's talk about this!" Panda said, "Banito flakes." Inumaki said, "That's what a guilty man would say!" Big Sis snapped as she drew her Naginata, "Hey (y/n), why's Maki so mad?" Yuta asked, "Panda and Inumaki made me prank her." I said as he let me down, "Oh this is for you. Don't let Rika out, BYE!" I said as I gave him Maki's panties and ran.

"I did it. I got Star Rage back." I laughed, "I'm strong again." I said as I slumped into the corner, "Grade one my ass. I'm barely a grade three on a good day." I said softly.

A week flew by in no time, Geto declared war yesterday. The principal tried to get me to go to war too, but I told him to piss off. Dad must suspect something was up, cause he forced me to copy his Six Eyes and taught me how to use them to reduce the amount of cursed energy used to use techniques, but I had to keep my eyes covered. "He cut my slots in half." I grumbled as I walked out into the courtyard, "Oh so that foolish principal is allowing children to wander around freely? I can see you're a Sourcer, so I will extend a hand to you. Join me, rise above those weak and filthy monkeys. If you refuse then I'll have no choice but to kill you." Geto said as a black orb appeared in his hand.

" Geto said as a black orb appeared in his hand

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"Hard pass." I said calmly, I looked past him and saw Big Sis Maki, Panda, and Inumaki lying on the ground slowly bleeding out, "Did you do that?" I asked, "And if I did?" he asked, "Then I'll turn you into a living hand puppet before I rip you in half!" I said coldly as I tore the wrapping off my eyes, I rushed into the fight, "Uzumaki." Geto said as he fired a blast of compressed Cursed Spirits at me, there were about twenty or so in the attack, "IS THAT ALLYOU'VE GOT?!" I snapped as I punched the attack into oblivion, "Cause if so, then you should start running before I make good on my promise." I said, suddenly I was surrounded by two hundred grate 1 Cursed Spirits. I exorcized as many as I could managing to exorcize around eighty of them before they overwhelmed me and nearly killed me. "Shame, I thought you were going to make good on your threats." Geto mocked as he walked past me, I grabbed his foot and copied his technique, "My technique is stronger than I thought, I can copy Shikigami too." I laughed as I compressed all of my copied Shikigami into one attack, "Maximum Uzumaki." I said and as I fired the attack I passed out. 'So three techniques is past my limit. I thought as much, but I still had to try. Still using two grade 2 techniques and a grade 3 technique was awesome.' I thought.

When I woke up Yuta had killed Geto and freed Rika. "Good job." Dad said, "I lost." I said coldly, "Yeah, but you didn't run or give up. Sure Yuta had to save you, but who cares!" he said, "Just shut up. I can't believe I had to be rescued at all." I said as I clenched my fist.

Eyes of Imperfection (male child reader X adoptive mother Yuki Tsukumo)Where stories live. Discover now