Messy Mission Pt 1:Gruvia

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{My first Gruvia okay. And once I get like my nalu one shot down I might do a lemon since someone requested it}


'This is gonna be a long job.'

Grey thought as he sat at the bar looking at the paper he had pulled from the board. Mira looked at him and smiled a little as she looked down at the paper.

"Why don't you take someone with you?" She asked.

Gray shrugged.

"Flame head is off with Lucy and Erza is on an a quest so yeah. No one."

Mira pouted and looked at him.
"What about Juvia?"

Juvia perked up at the sound of her name since she was sitting only a few seats away.

"Yes Juvia would love to go with Gray-Sama on a job." She smiled.

Gray sighed and looked at Mira with a mean look.

"Alright. I suppose Juvia."

Juvia clapped her hands together happily while Mira merely smirked. Maybe today would be the day that Gray realized how great Juvia was.

"We leave in two hours Juvia. Meet me at the train station."

Without another word, Juvia was gone in a flash to get ready for her job with Grey. Mira smiled and Grey just looked at her.

"You knew she was the only one here when you asked didn't you?"

Mira merely smirked at him. "Gray I think you need to really look at Juvia on the job. See her heart. Okay. For me?" She asked shooting Gray a small smile.

Gray sighed and shook his head. "Alright Mira. Alright. You win."

Mira nodded with a smile turning back to the kitchen as Grey stood to prepare himself for the job.


Grey stood at the train stain waiting for Juvia impatiently. No matter how far away it was from time, he hated to be left waiting.

Soon he saw the blue haired girl walking through the crowd. She wore her usual dress with her hat at that completed the outfit perfectly.

Grey looked her over carefully with a small face.

'What was Mira talking about? She looks the same as always. Cute face, long sexy legs, a look of determination in her eyes. What else was there to see?'

He thought to himself before processing what he had thought.
'Why did I just think that? Damn Mira in my head.'

He was quickly pulled from his thoughts as Juvia waved her hand in front if Grey's face.

"Grey-Sama are you alright?"

He merely nodded in reply before stepping on to the train leaving Juvia to catch up.

Juvia scrambled onto the train and sat beside Grey with a smile.

"Juvia is so excited to go on a job with Grey-Sama. What are we doing?"

Grey looked up from the paper and smirked softly. "We have to catch to catch a thief who has been robbing houses in this area. They already have a house for us and everything."

Juvia clapped her hands together excited. "Juvia gets to live with Grey-Sama." She squealed tackling Grey in the tight hug.

Grey rolled his eyes starting to push her away before he saw the happy gleam in her eyes. The male sighed and gently held her arms slightly away from his throat but still allowed her to hold him close.

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