Try Again ?

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I pull into Taraji's driveway. I use my key to open the door. She is all alone in the living room. I kick off my shoes near the front door and put my keys on the hallway console. I see her eyes, and they follow me, walking from the door to the couch. Now that I'm sitting close, I can see the redness that has replaced her whites.

I remove my jacket and place it on the shoulder of the couch. I position my back on the couch for support and pull her close. Her petite frame moves from the sofa to straddling my lap; she throws her arms around my neck and hides her face in the crook of my shoulder. My arms hug her waist, bringing her pelvis closer.

I feel her tears as they fall on my skin; she remains silent. I feel the warmth of her breath when she occasionally moves her face to catch her breath. Trying to get words out of her right now won't yield much, so we sit. A few minutes turns into a couple of hours; still holding onto me, she falls asleep. Light snores are the only thing I can hear before my attention is brought to the guest room door opening. Marcell walks out of the room to the kitchen opening the fridge.

With squinted eyes, I watch his movements, and our eyes meet. He sees us but does not utter a word. He returns to the room, closing the door behind him. My thoughts are formulating and trying to put something together. Taraji adjusted herself in her sleep, moving her head to my chest and her arms around my torso. I place my hand on her back, moving it up and down to soothe her, but it helps me instead.

After looking out of the patio doors at the sky for an innumerable amount of time, I fall asleep.

The front door is swung open, and there stands a tall, dark figure of a man. As the figure approaches us, the light from the patio illuminates their face, revealing that it is Sir. it is approaching us. Look at the shit you've come to. He hurls at me and tries to remove Taraji from my lap.

I cling to her body, making my grip around her tighter. He continues with his hurls, trying to pull us apart. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to wish this encounter away. He jerks my body back and forth to remove me instead of her. I opened my mouth for the first time since he walked in, and no words came out. All the noise coming out of my mouth is inaudible, and my eyes can't open now.

Taraji starts moving in my arms, and I try my hardest to ward off Sir., but to no avail; I feel overpowered and helpless. My eyes flashed open; I looked around the living room, disoriented, and then darted to the front door.

Baby. Taraji says lowly, barely above a whisper; her voice sounds hoarse. She repeats it, trying to shift in my arms. Tasia, your grip is a little too tight; loosen up some. I look down at Taraji and loosen my grip before returning to the front door.

Still holding me, she lifts herself from my chest; I am distracted and wrapped up in what just occurred, still having my focus on the front door.

What are you looking at? She questions, and the direction of her voice shifts; I know she is looking in my direction. Her finger gently grazes my cheek as she calls my name. Baby, you okay? What are you looking at? She moves my face towards her, looking into my eyes.

I could have sworn Sir. barged through the front door, hurling at me, trying to pull us apart. His approach was aggressive and persistent. Although I was frightened by the ordeal, I only considered protecting you. Her thumb caresses my cheek as I recall what happened.

I looked down at my shirt and felt even more crazy after telling Taraji everything. Taraji, it felt natural. I'm telling you. I see her curled index finger in my vision; she places it under my chin to bring my attention back to her.

I'm better than that, baby. I know you're not crazy. I believe that you experienced it. I've been here with you the whole time, and I can assure you that nobody has stepped in since you got here last night. Cupping my chin, she tilts her head, pressing her forehead against mine.

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