Ch 1 Pt 2: Construction Work (REWRITE)

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...I was wrong.

The registration fee was 1,000 eris, and there were three of us. The priest only gave us 3,000.

You can see where I'm going with this.

Unfortunately, the guild does not give beginning adventurers any sort of starting equipment. No weapons, no armor, no nothing. Just your adventurer's card and that's it.

And so, we had to resort to manual labor to get said equipment.

Boss: "All right, good work everyone-! That's it for today! Here, this is today's salary."

Aqua, Kazuma & [Y/N]: "Thank you! Good job today, boss-!"

But somehow they've completely forgotten that we're doing this to get started on adventuring.

It's been about a few weeks since this has been happening, let's see how long this'll last, because honestly, I'm kind of also enjoying it.

After the boss announced the end of our workday, we received our salaries as we bowed and thanked him.

Boss: "Alright, thanks for your hard work today. We'll be counting on you tomorrow."

Aqua, Kazuma & [Y/N]: "Understood!"

Aqua, Kazuma and i took our leave and headed for the public bath.

Kazuma: "Ahh... I feel alive again..."

[Y/N]: "You can say that again... By the way, you really should work on your strength, you couldn't even properly hold a bucket of rocks."

Kazuma: "Says the one who used whatever that thing is."

He'd point at my stand currently massaging my shoulders. Gold Experience would tilt his head and mutter a confused "Muda?"

[Y/N]: "Not my fault you picked the useless blue thing." I'd shrug.

After that, we didn't talk much, just some bickering here and there until we eventually left the bath.

We saw Aqua waiting for us at the entrance.

Said Blue Thing: "What would you like to eat today? I want some smoked-lizard hamburger steak and the heart-freezing crimson Neroid!"

I didn't know what any of them tasted like, but they seemed tasty.

Kazuma: "I want to eat meat too, so let's go to the tavern and get two smoked-lizard steak set meals."

Aqua: "Agreed!"

I'd just shrug.

After sitting down and eating our meal, we went to the stables.

And after getting hay not stained by horse crap, i grabbed a blanket and placed it on the haystack. We were all laid down in the makeshift bed.

Aqua: "Well then, good night."

Kazuma & [Y/N]: "Night."

I'd then close my eyes as i drift onto sleepland.





I was suddenly pulled out of my dream world before i could figure out what it looked like.

Groggy [Y/N]: "Gah.. what is it, Kaz? I want to sleep..."

Aqua: "Did you forget to go to the washroom? It's dark out there, do you need me to accompany you?"

Kazuma "No way! Hold on, it's not that. I just realized that we've been living the life of manual labourers so far."

Took him long enough.

Aqua: "HikiNEETs are fussy. If you prefer, you can work as a store clerk too!"

Kazuma: "Shut it, you! Gah! How should I put this? What I'm after is exciting battles against monsters! A life like that! Moreover, isn't this world in a crisis with the invasion of the Demon King? Isn't it amazingly peaceful here? There are no signs of demons at all!"


Aqua, Kazuma & [Y/N]: "Sorry!"

I signaled them to come closer and we all huddled up.

[Y/N]: "Okay, I'll admit, this is definitely not what i was hoping for in this alternate world. Our income definitely isn't the best right now, and we still don't have the proper equipment, but, we should have saved enough money to, at the very least, get basic equipment. So that's what we're going to do. Got it?"

They both nodded in agreement.

Kazuma: "I'm getting bored of construction. I didn't come to this world to be a labourer; I came to this world with no computers and games to adventure."

He'd turn to face Aqua,

Kazuma: "And didn't you send me here to challenge the Demon King?"

Aqua gave him a confused look and pondered for a moment, then responded,

Aqua: "Oh! There was such a thing! I forgot, I'm immersed in the happiness of working. I can't go back if Kazuma doesn't defeat the Demon King."

It seemed like the counter lady wasn't lying when she said her intelligence was that of a sub-brick...

Aqua: "All right, let's go challenge the Demon King! Don't worry; it'll be a breeze with me here! Look forward to my performance!"

Kazuma: "That makes me uneasy... However, you're a goddess after all, so I'm counting on you! Okay, we'll buy some basic weapons and armor with the money we saved and go grinding tomorrow!"

[Y/N]: "I'm still uneasy. But hey, if you don't want to be called useless, then here's your chance."

Aqua: "Leave it to me!"

Indignant ???: "If you don't shut the hell up, I'm going to shove my damn sword up your ass!"

A, K, [Y]: "We're very sorry!"

Alright, NOW, the bizarre adventure begins, and nothing's going to ruin it!.... Right...?

God's Blessing On This Bizarre World: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now