Eighth Year

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"So let me get this straight," Blaise said slowly, furrowing his eyebrows as he peered closely at Draco, taking in all the little details that may have changed overnight. Hmm. Draco's left eyebrow was a degree higher than usual. "You can read minds?"

Flitwick's pitchy voice reached them from the front and they pretended to listen as their professor taught them complicated spells that the three of them already knew.

Draco scrunched his face up. "Are you stupid?"

Blaise shrugged. "Yes."

The light around him turned black. Cocky git, Draco thought, and that must have showed on his face because Blaise smirked smugly.

Pansy inspected her nails and thought dryly, Boys.

"I certainly hope that you did not just come from a tryst with my godson, Potter," Snape drawled, glaring down at Harry as soon as the boy was within a good distance.

They were in an empty dungeon corridor, where Harry had ran into Snape after an hour worth of trying to stay awake in Professor Binns' class. He was actually on his way to the Potions classroom to ask Snape about the Blood-Replenishing Potion, so he couldn't imagine his luck when he turned a corner and there Snape was, looking as cheerful as ever.

And Harry, after all his running, looked flustered and more unkempt than usual.

At Snape's words, Harry fought down the flush that threatened to consume his face and, even as he self-consciously fixed his rustled robes, remembered his promise to himself to endow an ulcer upon his Potions professor as his memorable legacy. "No, Draco—"(Well, that was easier to say than 'Malfoy'.) "—and I are meeting up later. You know. I have to keep an eye on him and all. I get really worried," Harry said as innocently as possible, nodding firmly to himself and trying not to think about the truth behind his words.

Snape glowered menacingly. "Yes, I'm sure."

"Professor," Harry started, thinking it wise to change the subject now (and to change it politely). "I actually came to ask you about Blood-Replenishing Potions."

"What for?" Snape raised an eyebrow. Over the months, Harry realized that Snape had learned to be more of curious about his 'adventures' rather than suspicious.

"Draco," he replied simply.

Acknowledgement appeared in Snape's face, before he nodded. That didn't mean that he was done with his verbal abuse though.

"It seems to have missed your mind, Mr. Potter," he drawled, sneer in place as he looked down at Harry with narrowed eyes and haughty expression. "That the Blood-Replenishing Potion is one of the three potions that are missing in my list."

Harry frowned thoughtfully, unfazed by his professor's cold demeanor. It was one thing to deal with Snape with an audience, but he found it easier to stand him when they were alone. Less public humiliation. Snape was still as irritating and greasy as always, but you can't have everything. "You don't have any more?"

Snape frowned right back. "The last one was given to Draco this morning. I'm working on a new batch."

"Oh," Harry said. He thought very hard. "But it's only October..." he let out slowly, almost cautiously. "Why would you run out?"

Snape's face darkened considerably at that, but it wasn't directed at him. "Professor Lupin, of course, and... Bridgewood." He said the last name with distastefulness, lips curling into a new sneer.

Harry had the feeling that Snape didn't like Bridgewood very much ever since the first day of school, when McGonagall had introduced Bridgewood to the students. Out of habit, Harry's eyes had strayed towards the teachers' table. He wasn't surprised when he didn't see Dumbledore, but that didn't lessen the heavy feeling in his gut. His gaze swerved— out of habit yet again – towards Snape instead, who was looking on with disgust at Bridgewood's shy and timid greeting. He reckoned that Snape didn't like the spineless types.

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