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Two days passed just like that. Rocky and Reena didn't had any conversations between them. But today Reena barged into his office room in the mansion determined to talk to him. Rocky was talking about business with Khasim chacha and vanaram that's when Reena entered.
'What is it Reena'??? Rocky asked.
'I want to talk to you'.
'Whatever it is it can wait I am busy right now'.
'I said I want to talk to you'.
'Reena didn't you heard what I said. Look I don't have time for your unnecessary talks I have...'
'I want divorce'.
'What'. Rocky asked getting up from his chair while chacha and vanaram were shocked to hear this.
'Look Reena if this is some kind of prank then I am not liking it'.
'Its not any prank. I seriously want divorce'.
Rocky held her hand in a tight grip and took her to their room.
'What's your problem Reena'???
'My problem. You. You are my problem'.
'Do you have any idea what you just said. You said divorce I mean why the hell we need it. We love each other right'.
'Wrong Mr Bhairya. We don't love each other anymore'.
'What the hell are you saying Reena'???
Rocky circled his arm over her waist and brought her closer to him.
'Thats the sad reality Rocky. We don't love each other anymore. All you care about is your business, money and power. You don't care about me anymore'.
'If I don't focus on these things I will lose them all. You know that too. And I have you everything that others can only dream about. What more you need'. Rocky asked tightening his hold on her waist.
'Not everything can be bought with money Rocky. I don't need all these luxuries. I just needed your time and attention. But you weren't there for me. You tell me when was the last time you talked to me with love? When was the last time you spent some time with me? When was the last time you touched me? I even got a doubt that you might be cheating on me'.
'You know I won't do such things chinna. I love you only. We can still work this out'.
'There is no point in saying all this Rocky. It's too late now. I can't take this pain anymore. I am leaving this mansion now itself'.
'And what makes you think that I will allow you to leave'.
'Because if you don't then I will end myself forever'.
'What are you saying chinna'???
'Becoz there is no point in living life like this Rocky. If you don't allow me to leave I will surely do that. So what's it gonna be'???
Rocky released her from his hold,took the glass on the table and broke it into pieces while Reena grabbed her bag and started to move out of the mansion.
Tears flooded on his eyes as he stared at her retreating figure but he knows that if he didn't let her go now she will commit something worse. He thought he'll talk to her once she was calm and put some sense into her. He then went to his bar and started drinking to calm himself.
One week passed. Reena moved to Desai mansion and contacted her friend who was a lawyer to prepare the divorce papers. All this while Rocky was continuously calling her but she didn't attend any of his calls. She then got the divorce papers ready, signed it and send it to Rocky. Rocky was hell shocked becoz till now he thought that she would rethink her decision once she was calm and return back to him. But things are going out of his hands and he knew that he should do something to get her back.
'What are you going to do now'?? Chacha asked.
'I don't know'. Rocky repled lighting the cigarette.
'But I am going to bring her back'. Rocky said after taking a puff.

Here is the first chapter. Do vote and comment ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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