Pen Pal

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"She's crazy, mate.."

Ron had been speaking to Harry about Hermione for about an hour. Harry is already annoyed by his recent peculiar admiring for their girl best friend. Harry doesn't mind and stares at the girl he has been liking for the past two weeks. Ginny Weasley. That's right, Ron's younger sister. It's not that weird, is it? Meanwhile, Ron kept talking about how crazy Hermione was.

"Like, a fucking pen pal? Over the summer?"

"You're just bitter she wouldn't write to you anymore," Harry finally replied while eating his sandwhich. "I mean, c'mon.. She told me you wouldn't reply to her letters at all."

"Shut up, Harry.." Ron put his head down in enbarassment. He hoped Hermione wouldn't expose him to Harry, but here we are!

Harry was just happy Hermione found a pen pal in the summer. She was probably bored, waiting for Ron's owl to come by her window. A black groomed owl had come and knocked on her window, one day. Hermione wondered who it was from, in hopes it was from one of her friends. However, it was an anonymous letter.

Hello, Hermione Granger.

     My name is... Well, that's a secret. I begged my owl to send this to your address. It probably took him a few days to find your house. It's summer, I feel bored. My friends don't write to me. They think it's a waste of time. However, I really want to talk to someone. You're probably the best person for the job. Do you want to be pen pals?

P.S. Don't worry, I'm from Hogwarts as well. Come look for me when class starts.

Hermione couldn't be happier. Finally, someone who's willing to be her friend! She wrote to the same person. Every other day, the black owl would knock on her window and would wait for her letter. Eventually, Hermione became interested in this 'anonymous' friend she has. Hundreds of letters came by in just a few months. They know each other's favorite color, ice cream flavor, and favorite movie! The time they spent was really precious to the both of them.

But, in Hogwarts, there was no sign of this 'anonymous' pen pal. Hermione waited for someone to approach her, but there was nothing. One night, while Hermione was fixing her bed after a brutal pillow fight, the black owl appeared outside her window. She smiled! The pen pal exists! She thought she was crazy, but they exist! Hermione quickly wrote a rather short letter.

Dear Pen Pal,

    Who are you? Can you give me signs? I've been waiting and I still can't figure you out. Hey, it's been a week. Show me who you are.

- Hermione Granger

The owl immediately left once it received the yellow paper Hermione handed. She waited all night for a reply. All her roommates had gone off to sleep except for her. She was only reading a book when she heard a knock on her window.

Dear Hermione,

    Alright. Meet me at the Astronomy Tower. Now! Don't freak out.

- D.

She was shocked to find an initial on the letter. D?! Who was D? Was it Dean, Ginny's ex? Diaval, the keeper of Ravenclaw? David, from Hufflepuff? Hermione grew crazier, thinking of names.

She took a pair of jorts and ran out of the common room at midnight. The halls were dark, but at least she's got a wand. There were ghosts walking around telling her to go back to sleep, but she wouldn't comply. She was keen on meeting her fling. However, Professor Snape saw someone out of bed. She hid somewhere near the stairs going up to the Tower, hoping he wouldn't see her. Luckily, he went back to his chamber and locked the door.

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