Chapter One

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"Help!" echoed a choir of screams in the trees. Ron could hear the voices but couldn't figure out where there were coming from.  Every step he took, the ground would shift, sending him in a different direction than he was intending.  The screams only grew louder, causing Ron to collapse in a swirl of noise and trees.

"What do you want?" he yelled in confusion.  The spinning increased and cries got louder.  Ron could feel himself letting go when he felt a rush of adrenaline pulse through his body.  He woke up in his bed soaked in sweat.  Slowly, he sat upright in his bed and rubbed his eyes.  Nightmares like these had been haunting Ron for the past month or so.  Ron scavenged his unmade bed looking for his phone.  It was 9:30 AM, the latest Ron had slept in since the nightmares started.  On his screen displayed three missed calls from Ron's younger sister Cassia.  

Ron ignored calling her back and walked to his window.  Outside the sun was shining and robins could be seen pecking at bugs in the grass.  This was an average view for April, spring was starting.  There was a line of dew drops on the windowsill and when Ron reached his hand up to touch the window, he felt a sharp, cold touch that woke him up a little.  The nightmares were causing Ron to get very behind on his sleep and he had been suffering from fatigue for as long as he could remember.  Ron poured some cereal into a bowl and then some milk.  When Ron was finished eating, he remembered he needed to call back his sister.  He didn't want to worry her, she almost never missed a call.  He picked up his phone and dialed in Cassia's phone number, it went straight to voicemail.  

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