Chapter 2

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"Hello, this is Cassia Abner, I can't get to the phone right now, but leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can," spoke her voice from the answering machine.

"Hey Cas, is everything okay? Sorry I missed your calls, call me soon. Bye," Ron spoke into his phone as he finished cleaning up from breakfast. 

 Ron and Cassia had been planning a camping trip to Breakview with one of Cassia's best friends Livy Waters, but weren't sure if plans would follow through because of Cassia's work schedule. Ron put his phone into his pocket and ran upstairs into his room to finish packing.

After Ron was done packing, he decided to check his Facebook since he was ahead of schedule. As he was scrolling through his feed a post caught his attention. It was a selfie of Cassia and Livy in Cass's car from the afternoon before. The caption read:

"Love me some old school camping with my partner in crime! :)"

"Cass and Liv must have headed up last night," thought Ron. He thought his was weird considering neither of them told him to meet them up there.

"Maybe Cass tried to tell me in the missed calls," he thought. 

 Ron threw the thoughts aside and a new one appeared. He would be spending the weekend with Livy Waters. He knew he would never stand a chance getting to be more than friends with her. She was gorgeous with long blonde hair and an athletic build. He was tall and lanky with dark brown hair that always fell in his face and made him look awkward.  Ron had developed this crush a few weeks ago and hasn't been able to stop thinking about her ever since.  Maybe this weekend he could build up the courage to make a move. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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