It Chapter 1 part 1

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                 ⬆️a visual of my oc, Raven
Star-Bev Marco-Bill, Ben Tom-Stan Janna-Richie Raven-Eddie Kelly-Mike
Reasons for being bullied
Ben/Marco-Mexican and trans ftm ig(I actually don't know)
Bev/Star-over sexualize/slept with a bunch of guys or whatever idk
Richie/Janna-gay, homosexual, lesbian
Stan/Tom-Demon/demon religion
Mike/Kelly-dark skin or whatever since Henry's racist/woolett
Tom, Star, and other magical beings do not have their powers, the wand doesn't exist but there are still Mewman and Tom is still part demon
Raven also plays Bill in some parts so i hope that makes sense.
Also im skipping Georgie/Mariposa's death scene
❗️PLS READ THIS.❗️- Toffee, Rhombulus, Hekapoo, and Mina are all 15 while the losers are 13-14
JUNE 20**
A farm on the edge of town; a herd of sheep are in the barn; a farm worker pushes one of them forward. Kelly points a bolt gun at it; her grandfather, Leroy, is pressuring her to slaughter the sheep. "Pull it, Kelly. Go on now, pull it." Kelly is reluctant; her grandfather takes the gun and shoots the sheep, then throws the used-up bolt in a bucket and hands the gun to his aide, "Here, reload it. You need to start taking more responsibility around here, Kelly. Your dad was younger than you when he took--" "I'm not my dad, okay?" "Yeah." Leroy says, somewhat understanding. "Look at me, Kelly. Look at me! There are two places you can be in this world. You can be out here like us or you can be in there, like them. You waste time hemming and hawing, and someone else is gonna make that choice for you. Except you won't know it, until you feel that bolt between your eyes." He walks away; his aide raises the gate so another sheep can be slaughtered.
Summer break officially begins as the bell rings. Marco, a skinny Mexican-American teenager with tan skin, dark brown hair, thick eyebrows and a mole on his right cheek. Janna, a Filipina-American with dark hair, brown eyes and she is just a bit shorter than Marco, and Raven, a mixed race, Black French-American teenage girl with shoulder-length bleach blonde curly hair with her natural hair color, brown showing at the roots and pulling some the hair out of her face in a ponytail. The three of them rush out of a classroom. "So, there's this "church" full of Demons, right? And Tom has to take this super Demonic test." Raven says walking side by side next to Marco and Janna, "But how does it work?" Marco asks, Raven snaps her fingers, "They slice the tip of his dick off." "Then Tom will have nothing left!" Janna jokes, "Thats true." Raven says as Tom, a half demon teenager with spiked salmon hair, pale purple hair, three eyes(one of them in the middle of his forehead), pale-orange with horns with white tips, pointed eyes, sharp teeth, and special three lens sunglasses, walks out of a classroom catching up to them.

"Wait up, you guys!" Tom shouts. "Hey Tom what happens at the demoncism, anyway? Rave says they slice the tip of your d-dick off." "Yeah, I think the exorcist's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say, "Where's the beef?" Janna says as they all laugh. "At the demoncism, I read from the (insert demon religious book?), then I make a speech and suddenly, I become a man." Tom says, "I could think of funner ways to become a man." Janna teases "More fun, you mean." Tom corrects her. They then walk by Toffee(Henry) and his gang, Mina(Patrick), Rhombulus(Belch), and Hekapoo(Vic). "Oh shit." Janna says. Toffee's gang stares at the losers as they walk past them, "Think they'll sign my yearbook? 'Dear Janna, sorry for taking a hot steaming dump in your backpack last March. Have a good summer.'"

Brittney Wong walks upstairs bumping into Tom and stomps into the girls bathroom, a cheerleader walks up to the doorway and points at a stall, Brittney then walks up to the door and kicks the door, growling. Inside the stall is a girl named Star Butterfly, a girl with fair skin, light blue eyes, and really long blonde hair that goes down her back, and a red headband with devil horns smoking a cigarette, she jumps when Brittney kicks the stall,

"Are you in there by yourself, Butter-face? Or do you have half the guys in the school with you, huh, slut?" Star then puts the cigarette out on the wall, "I know you're in there, little shit. I can smell you. No wonder you don't have any friends." One of the cheerleaders then gets the trash bag loose from the sink, "Now, which is it Brittney? Am I a slut or a little shit? Make up your mind." Star says, rolling her eyes. "You're trash." Brittney says as the cheerleader grabs the trash bag out of the trash can into the stall next to Star's stall, "We just wanted to remind you." Brittney says, "Such a loser." one of the girls said. Star then looks up above to the top of the stall to see the trash bag over the wall. Star quickly grabs her backpack and puts it over her head before garbage rains down on her. "At least now you'll smell better." Brittney taunts, "Gross." One of the girls giggles, "Let's go girls." Brittney said as other girls laughed, "Have a nice summer, Butterface." Star then throws her backpack, grossed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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