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The sound of fist connecting to the surface of a skin, followed by cheers from the audience and grunts from the fighters in the arena filled the area. It was either the fights that take place, or the music that accompanies these fights that bring people to these types of places. He could never understand the actual reason as to why someone would ever want to waste time here, but do it anyway.

He swirled the glass of drink in his hand, before his eyes snapped up to a familiar figure walking towards him. Reaper sent him his signature grin, and sat down at the stool next to him, "What's up, bro?" He gave him a nod, "Reaper." He acknowledged, before taking a sip out of his drink.

Reaper greeted the bartender as well, before ordering his drink.

"My man, you would never imagine how excruciating it was to get the boss's niece home, safely." Reaper spoke, rubbing his chest to add more effect to his words and he rolled his eyes.

"It couldn't be that hard." He grumbled, and Reaper gasped,

"Nah bro, you did not just say that." Reaper mocked the hurt, and he sighed while shaking his head.

Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him, and he looked over his shoulder to find one of the older members of the gang, glaring at him.

"Boss has called for you, boy." He grunted, before walking away and he heard Reaper scoff, "The ol' man needs to stop acting like a fucking kid." He stood up from his seat, "See you later, my man." He heard Reaper call out, as he made his way to the boss's office.

The moment he stepped inside the office, he was met with the sound of glass hitting the wall, followed by a fist connecting to a skin and he analyzed the scene in front of him.

"You're trying to tell me that you couldn't do the one job I assigned you to do, boy?" The boss seethed out, and he noticed the drug supplier of our gang, Anthony rubbing his jaw and a glint of fear in his eyes.

"The fucking client turned out to be a cop-" He was stopped as another fist connected to the other side of his jaw, and he grunted.

"Get the fuck out of my sight, boy." Carter, the boss of a well-run gang that is known throughout the whole of Chicago, grunted. Anthony didn't waste a second and walked out of the office, he scowled at his direction, and he simply gave him a wave before his eyes connected to Carter's cold ones.

"Vortex." Carter acknowledged, and Vortex simply stood in front of him with a blank expression, waiting for his next order.

"The cops are trailing too close behind us..." He started, and Vortex went slightly tense, as he knew where this was going,

"It has reached to the point that a cop has gathered evidence that is enough to risk the existence of our family." He continued, however the next words that left this man's mouth wasn't the leader of a well-known gang, but a monster thriving to be let free, "I want that fucking cop dead, we need to let them know that they are messing with the wrong crowd." He ordered, and he simply nodded,

Any emotion shown is a sign of weakness in this line of work, Vortex simply accepted Carter's order because just like him he was a monster, the only difference was that he's monster was free, and might be bigger than Carter's monster could ever be.

It was only a matter of hours Vortex needed to get the job done, it was around 5am in the morning, and he stood in the shadows and away from the soft sun that was slowly filling the dark sky with light. He watched as the cop, who was a man in his forties, got out of his house, in his uniform, to perform his duties.

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