Sprout Anew

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It was silent. Tree was dead. Pillow was smiling. The warm evening weather transcended into a chilly front, breezing through everyone.

"TREE!" Blackhole screamed lunging towards him. Tree's eyes were still open- stuck in fear. The chlorophyll was seeping into the grass beneath him. Pillow turned off the chainsaw and faced Blackhole, still smiling. Blackhole glared at Pillow head on and growls, "PILLOW! WHY IN THE EVERLOVING FUCK DID YOU KILL TREE?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? YOU PSYCHO! YOU-YOU-"

"Hush Blackhole." Pillow put the chainsaw up next to Blackhole. Surprisingly it didn't get sucked in. Blackhole immediately shut up, panicking as the blade was right next to him. Pillow smiled and lowered the weapon. "I bet you're wondering why the blade didn't get sucked in?" She retaliated. 

"Uh yeah...An explanation would be great?!" Blackhole yelled back. The rest of the Pact started to make their way over to the three. "Well?!" Blackhole yelled again. Pillow got off of Tree's body, and prepared to speak. "You see, in this place powers are weakened. Your ability to suck in any material is gradually weakened, which is why..." Pillow jerked the chainsaw up to Blackholes body again. "I can hold this right next to you." Blackhole flinched again.

"Uh guys?" Marker blurted aloud. He was poking Tree's trunk that seemed to move slightly. 

"BUT WHY DID YOU KILL TREE?! THERE'S NO EXCUSE TO WHY YOU DID THAT!" Blackhole's voice regained, still glaring down Pillow. A menacing growl exhaled from him made everyone but Pillow shiver. 

"Guys, you have to check this out!" Marker said once again, but with a louder tone. He was still ignored, so he resumed poking Tree's lifeless body that still seemed....alive.

"I do have one in fact, buuuuuut it may seem a little difficult for you to comprehend." Pillow chirped in her little go lucky voice. "What. What do you MEAN BY THAT?!" Blackhole was about to strangle her at any second if he had hands. He was met with the chainsaw to his side striking him slightly. "It seems you forget I have a weapon" she smugly grins, pulling it back to see unusually darkened blood drops on the blade. "Wh-How the fuck...?" Blackhole gapes seeing what looked like blood. Since when could I bleed? What the hell is up with this place? Blackhole shook his head, ignoring the thought.

"GUYS!! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LOOK AT TREE!" Marker yelled. Everyone immediately stared at Marker in shock. He's never cursed; must be important Blackhole murmered. Everyone went to Tree's corpse which was where Marker was frantically pointing too. Blackhole breathed out before saying, "Marker, Tree's dead. What's so-"

"Wait! No he's not! Look!" Lightning points at Tree's face. His eyes were shut now. He looked like he was in a comatose almost. "And that's not all! His wound is gone!" Marker retaliated. They all looked at Tree's wound which was healed? No chlorophyll spilling out, or wooden chips scattered anywhere. He had a deep puncture from when he was stabbed however. It seemed permanent.

"This wouldn't...No...There's no way..." Blackhole started stuttering. Pillow was behind him; she gave him a quick head pat. "See, that's what I wanted to show you! And I guess my excuse too, for killing him. You can't die!" she giggled. 

"Get. Your. Hand. Off. Me" Blackhole gritted. Pillow reluctantly stepped away. Blackhole sighed before turning away, leaving the group. 

"Whoa Blackhole, like where are you going?" Lightning asked. 

"I-I need some time to myself"

"Ok, but like you know Tree isn't dead right?"

"His wounds are just gone, he could still be in a comatose. Face it Lightning he's gone"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that!" Pillow interrupted the two. Blackhole averts his deadpan gaze at her. "According to my intellect, he should be waking up any second now" she smiled. Blackhole was not having it. "Like hell, if I had hands I would choke you until your plush goes flying out of your fucking skull."

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