Chapter Eight

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Noah Everrett

Fuck. We shifted back about five minutes ago, and Branson is storming his way to the pack house.

I'm a very possessive guy, especially because of my wolf. And when he has his mind set on something, that's going to happen. And he has his mind set on us marking. Soon. He could've done it today, but he showed he is giving us the option to do it.

But instead there's red angry marks on the side of Bransons neck. He shifted, threw on his clothes and stormed off.

"Branson '' a heavy sigh comes from my lips, as I stay in step with him. He knows his wolf won't stop mine from marking him. He left him wide open to do so today. "We gotta talk about this' ' huffing again, I finally get in touch and grabbed his wrist. I pull him to a stop, and he whirls around quickly.

He crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes. "What Noah? What's there to talk about? You made it very clear what is going to happen next time we shift. Which mind you,  we have to shift Saturday for training" his eyes narrow further.

A sigh leaves my lips, and I rest my hands on my hips. "I know, okay? I was there" shaking my head. "We will figure it out."

"I don't have a choice, Noah. It was just taken from me!"

"It was taken from me too!" My voice booms through the forest, and he takes a step back from my reaction. He drops his arms, and his face softens.

"I guess that's true," he whispers, and I nod.

"I'm sorry it was taken from you, from us. But we have almost a week to make a choice of when, how and where. So let's focus on that "I try to summon Layla's positivity. It clearly works because Branson nods.

"You're right" his voice is soft. And gentle. He nods his head again before speaking "I need some time tonight, alone. I'll text you tomorrow and we will figure out when or how. All that" that's all i get before he's turning on his heel and leaving.

I let out a heavy breath, although the situation sucks, I feel giddy. I feel a surge of excitement for being able to mark my mate, for having a mate. But I feel a lot of guilt.


I spent the night tossing and turning, checking my phone, and staring at my ceiling. Today is going to suck, but I need to give him space. So I decided to eat breakfast in our suite, with my sisters, who just piss each other off.

Em is yanking Aria's hair, and Aria is pushing Em almost out of her chair every five seconds.

"Guys" My mom huffs, coming from her room. Her hair is wet, and she's in her robe. Dad comes out a minute later, fully dressed for the day with wet hair. Gross.

"Hey" he gives me a small smile, then kisses my sister's head. "Good morning ladies" he walks around the counter, wrapping his arms around my mom. He kisses her head, then starts to get some food. "Why aren't you eating downstairs?"

"Uh" i let out a heavy sigh, and lean back in my seat. "Bran wants some space, so I'm trying to give it to him. If i eat down there, i'll want to be with him. So i figured id eat here"

"Why does he want a space baby?" Mom asks, as she picks food off my dad's plate.

"My uh. My wolf made a decision for us. He's pretty upset about it "I push the eggs on my plate around, and dad leans against the counter.

"What kind of decision?"

"If we don't mark him by the time i have to shift again, he's going to do it himself" i keep my eyes locked on my food, but i can feel my mom tense.

"That's kinda huge, don't you think?" Mom asks, and I sigh leaning further into my seat.

"Yeah, it is. But i don't have a choice in it either, yano? It's like I can't control it. It's so hard as it is to keep my wolf at bay around him, it's like he wants to suffocate Bran with our scent, and seize him at the same time. It's so fucking confusioning. Because i still can't stand him."

"Language," mom sighs.

"Have you tried spending time with him? One on one?" Dad asks, and I let out another frustrating sound.

"We did yesterday in our wolves, and that's when it happened"

"What about going on a date?" Mom suggests, "In human form. That way you have to get to know each other on different terms." she nods. "Yeah, i think you should do that"

"Maybe" i murmur, and push to my feet. "Gotta get ready for training" i mumble, before heading to my room to change and get ready for the day. I grab two bottles of water, and a protein bar. Then I'm heading to the gym.

Once I get there, I see that almost everyone is here already. I spot my mate right away, and I make my way over. He tenses when he sees me, and once I'm close I shove the drink and protein bar into his hands, then I leave. I make my way over to my usual spot, Layla, already there.

"Hey" she smiles, and I nod. "I'm leading training today" she smiles brightly, and i smirk.

"Gonna do great" I mumble, because I know my best friend, and I know she's nervous. She nods, giving me a small smile.

"Thanks Ev" she nudges my shoulder, and Uncle P comes in with a small smile on his lips. Alexander trails behind him, before finding his brother. He stands with Branson, and that fucker, Dylan.

Uncle P starts talking, but I block him out as my eyes trail to my mate. He's standing close to his brother, they're almost touching. Alexander is smaller than Branson. He's gotta be like 5'5-5'6, and he has like no muscle to him. He has brown curly hair, and the same dimples as Uncle Ze.

Branson is a beautiful looking man. He has tone muscles, black perfect curls, and perfect white teeth. God, I love staring at him.

Layla nudges me, and I glance at her.

"Ready?" she murmurs, and i nod. She makes her way to the front, and starts leading training. I try to keep my eyes to myself, and focus on training. I do pretty good at it. But i can see my mate out of the corner of my eye. He drinks the water I gave him, and eats the protein bar during the break.

Training is a success, of course. Layla is a born leader, so it went super smooth. I'm covered in sweat, so I know it was a good ass workout. Layla is talking with her dad, as I drain the rest of the water from my bottle.

Bran comes over. His shirt is off, and he's sweaty too. He's about as ripped as i am, and he's so fucking sexy.

A sexy dick.

"Thanks" he hands the water bottle back to me, and I take it nodding. "And the protein bar helped too" he murmurs.

"Glad to be of service"

"Want to uh, come over later?" he rubs the back of his neck, his body tense.

"Actually.. I was going to see if you wanted to get dinner "I cleared my throat, crossing my arms.

"With you?" he asks, and I nod. "Alone?" his brows crease, and I nod again. He thinks it over for a moment, and when I swear he's going to say no, and I should just back out, he gives me an answer. "Okay, pick me up at 6" and then he leaves, going back to his side of the gym. 


Oooo a date??? Noah is actually trying! 

Next couple chapters are on my patreon! Enjoyyyy

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