Chapter 40 protecting you

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RJ, gathered his siblings together. When Della came back with Donald they all sat down. I need to tell you kids something, Jack didn't kill your mother, said Nick. How did you find that out now, asked Maise. You went to the afterlife didn't you, asked Della. I didn't mean to, RJ said quietly. You're an idiot you could've been stuck there forever, yelled Mason. I made him go, said Nick. You what! said Mason in a mad voice . I didn't mean to. look, I'm bringing DJ here to keep him safe, said Nick. Nick was getting ready to leave, only him and Maise were in the room. Dad you can't bring DJ here, the last time I saw him something happened, said Maise. You will be fine, said Nick as he left. An hour later, DJ knocked on the door. RJ answered it. RJ, it's you, said DJ, they hugged . I missed you, said RJ. Mason ignored him. Mason never did like DJ. All of the Sudden, Mason and RJ heard a noise, they went upstairs to see what was going on, leaving Maise and DJ alone.

All that went through their heads, was what happened the last time they were alone. flashback. I love you, and you know that but you need to face the fact that he's gone, said DJ. he isn't gone, if he can Survive on an island for five years, he can Survive in outer space, you just don't believe in him,said Maise as she left. End of flashback. You almost killed me that day, said DJ. Maise looked at him, he was right he didn't look healthy. They stood there in awkward silence. Come on kids yelled scrooge. Thank god, Maise mumbled.

Everyone went over to the kitchen table. Where are we going today, asked Huey. we're looking for the fire crystal, said scrooge. Do we have to go? It might not be safe, I mean a murderer is out there, said Mason. If the person that killed mom wanted to kill us, don't you think they would've done it by now, asked RJ. I guess so, said Mason. Five minutes later, everyone was on the plane. Maise, and DJ were sitting across from each, what's the deal with you too, are you enemies? Asked Huey. no, said Maise. RJ could tell that they were uncomfortable talking about this. Huey leave them alone, said RJ. I'm just asking a question, said Huey. It's complicated, said DJ. Huey left them alone. I'm still not talking to you, said Maise.

A few hours later, they were walking in a cave. Maise, and DJ, were walking away from everyone else. Maise wasn't paying attention, and almost fell through a trapdoor, But DJ grabbed her. At this point, everyone but Mason and RJ were ahead, they wanted to make sure she was safe.Why did you save me, asked Maise. I care about you, said DJ. Maise kissed DJ, I care about you too, said Maise. They kissed again, I knew it would happen someday, said RJ. DJ's face turned bright red.
Well he has a point, said Mason as he walked over to them. He did not see the trapped door and fell down it. RJ rolled his eyes. idiot, he mumbled. Can we just leave him there, asked Maise. Sadly no, said RJ. I'll go get Uncle Scrooge, mumbled Maise, as she walked away. DJ felt embarrassed, h-how much did you see, he asked. You're good to my sister, I don't care if you are together, said RJ. About that, I did hurt your sister once, said DJ. I figured you too were living together, when I was gone, and I heard yelling, said RJ you did, asked DJ. RJ nodded. Maise came back with Scrooge, and the rest of the family. DJ chuckled, you guys really are a one package deal, he joked RJ rolled his eyes. Scrooge went down the trapdoor. Dewey followed,  he landed on a dragon, with glasses? Dad, mom, you should come down here, said Duey. RJ, jumped down the trapped door. He saw his brother knocked out, he looked over and saw Duey sitting on a dragon, he had cuts on him. Is that Uncle Scrooge, he asked I think so, said Dewey. He touched the fire crystal, said Mason. Mason you're okay, said RJ. you were willing to save me, said Mason. You're my brother, and besides the past is in the past, said RJ. We need to get him back to his duck self, said Mason. How, asked RJ. I don't know, you're the smart one, said Mason. Maybe we can change him back by sacrificing something he loves, said Dewey. Yeah, like you, said Mason as he pointed to his brother. RJ face palmed, Not his family, his money, said RJ. Mason took out a dollar bill and gave it to his brother, RJ then lit it on fire. Scrooge turned back into his duck self. He grabbed the fire crystal with a glove and went home.

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