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This is a documentary of a 18 year old girl, who went missing last year. We gathered this info from her bloodied diary.

It's written in such curly and sloppy writing. I can read it though.

"02/14/14 12:00 PM

Dear Diary~,

Oooh!! It's the best day ever!! It's Valentine's Day!! Sigh~ Ooh..~ Just thinking of what CHRIS will do for me~ Ahh..~ Makes me shiver just thinking about it!~ Maybe we can have dinner, and when it's midnight..~ Show how much we love each other!~ Ahhh!!~ Oh! It's time!~"

"02/14/14 1:49 PM

Ah..~ That was amazing~ We just made love!~ It felt amazing!!~ Mm..~ He was big!~ But, not perfect. He did get shivery, and miss a few thrusts. Whatever! Well, I'm sleepy. Goodnight!!

-Puffy <3"

Ew. All I have to say is, ew.

"03/19/14 12:39 PM

Dear Diary,

I forgot about this thing. Ugh. I'm just on my was to a new town. Nothing special. Just going on vacation with Chris. <3 We're gonna shop first. I found some cute clothes where we're going. Actually, I'm changing myself for him. I want to stop being so doubt-y(if that's even a word). So, I'm trying to take compliments and make comebacks to insults. Chris has noticed this, and is getting very suspicious. But! I know he'll stop his little problem with me taking insults instead of compliments.


"3/13/14 1:00 PM

Dear Diary,

So! Me and my online friends were talking, and my friend Lavender brings up this topic.

"Hey, Puffy, ever heard of playboys?" I was shocked that she brought it up. So, I said yes. I knew what those were. So, she replies with, "Well, I heard from a friend that there are TONS! You never know, Chris could be one too." She smirked. I couldn't tell if she was joking or not, and I got scared.

What if he was!? Was I that un-special that he'd get a side chick!? So I go, "S-So... he could be cheating on me...? Or playing me..?"

She just made a long "Uhmmm" sound. Like she thought I was crazy. So, I started, "I need to check!! I'll be back soon!" So I hung up, and went to him. He denied cheating. THATS IT. I'll be checking on him.


Whoa. Drama.

"04/14/14 3:00 PM

Dear Diary,

It was awful! He didn't answer his phone, I called him 30 times! Literally! I even texted him! Is he with the girl!? I swear he is..!! He came home an hour ago. I asked him why he didn't call me back. Or answer. So, he denied me calling him. I showed him my phone and how many times I called him, he freaked! Hahaahha!!! It was so cute when he freaked!!!


"4/30/14 4:00 PM

Dear Diary,

<333 I love him more. Haha!! He loves me!! Haha!!!! I LOVE HIIM


Odd. But, weirdly charming.

This next entry is splattered with clotted blood.


Dear Diary,

I snapped. I killed him. I did. I killed him. I'm all to blame.

He came home. I was wearing a see through dress, with a bikini. He looked at me, blushing furiously. I love him so much.. but I hate him.

"I heard a girl voice on your phone," I snarled. He was! I knew it. He denied it was a girlfriend. So I ran, got scissors, and ran up to him, and slit his throat, he gurgled his own blood and saliva. I cut his cheek, I opened his chest, ripped his heart out, and ate half of it. Before I knew it, he was dead. I stripped him of his clothing, and mine. I kisses him, swallowing any blood that came from his swollen, bloodied mouth. I made him love me, as I moaned out loud. I finished him, and climbed off the corpse. I got my scissors, and cut myself, an x anywhere a man would dare to kiss me. My cheek, my neck, my thigh. I didn't on my lips. That would ruin it, I would kiss with it, so I'm not touching it. My eyes..."

It cuts there. Her eyes, what happen to her eyes? Did she get blinded? What happen to them? All I know is that she's SICK. Killing, then making love with a corpse!? What was up with her!? I looked up more on her, and saw her picture. It was blurred. she had eyes, they were messed up. Her left eye was hypnotizing. Swirly with pink and blue. Her right eye had a black outside, where it should be white. And her pupil was pink, with a blue heart, symbolizing her lust. She looked like she had cuts, looking like x's. It was on her cheek, neck, and thigh. She wore such ugly clothing. Blue and pink, a cute combination.But, it was raggedy and torn, I could see her bra and cleavage, very bright and lacy. She was barefoot.. she had a rope around her wrist, and a red mark on her neck, it looked like a rope burned her skin in. She must have attempted suicide... She was beautiful, but she was ugly. Mixed. Like her emotions. She's gone, but I know she's out there. I just know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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