𝖈h. 007 ⭑

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fifth year !

AUDREY LEANED HER head on her mother's shoulder, cocooned in the blanket Cedric had given her for her 9th birthday.

Aurora leaned in and gently kissed the side of Audrey's head. "Your father and I have a surprise for you," she whispered "But you'll have to wait until he gets home, alright?"

Audrey softly hummed, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, as she fixed her gaze on the window before her. With a deliberate action, she rose from her seat and made her way towards the window.

"What's wrong, Drea?" Aurora inquired as she approached her daughter. "The Dursley's" Audrey muttered.

"Those Muggles, Where's Harry?" inquired Aurora as they watched the Dursleys get into their car and drive off.

With a gentle pout, Audrey whispered, "I'm not sure, but I should go and see how he's doing." Aurora hummed thoughtfully and responded, "Alright, do inform me about his well-being and pass on my greetings," while affectionately planting a kiss on Audrey's temple.

Audrey used the Floo Powder to enter the Dursleys' house. With stealth, she maneuvered her way up to Harry's room.

Opening the door, she immediately caught sight of the troubled expression on Harry's face, causing her to frown with concern. "What's wrong, Harry?" she asked, closing the door behind her.

"I was expelled from Hogwarts for casting the Patronus charm in front of Dudley to defend against dementors." He groaned.

Audrey sat beside Harry on his bed. "You were attacked. You had every right to use magic. Their reasoning for expelling you is rubbish. Dementors shouldn't even exist in the Muggle world," she exclaimed, tightly gripping his hand.

Harry sighed heavily and said in a tone of frustration, "It no longer matters; it's already done."

Audrey gently guided Harry's hands to her thigh and softly asked, "Would you like me to help you take your mind off things?" as she looked deeply into Harry's eyes.

Harry hummed softly before planting a tender kiss on her lips. "Please," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "By the way," she said as Harry gently laid her down on his bed, "Mama says hi." Harry smiled and nodded, their lips meeting once more. "likewise," he murmured.

✩°𓏲⋆💒. ⋆⸜ 🪐✮˚

AS THE TWO lay tangled together under the comfort of Harry's sheets, the sound of footsteps and bottles moving slowly woke them from their slumber.

"what the hell was that?" Audrey asked groggily as she laid against Harry's bare chest"i don't know" harry replied tiredly

harry reached over to the bedside table for his glasses and slips it on, audrey whines softly causing harry to draw shapes across her bare back "probably the Dursley's, it'll probably go away soon." Harry muttered

Audrey hummed softly, the sound of Harry's door keys turning caused them too look at the door, the key fell out before the door opened followed by a bright light.

Audrey now fully awake, quickly covered herself under Harry's sheets "Tonks, for god sake." Moody said "Unnatural." Tonks whispered

the light emitting from her wand lit up the room "professor moody? What are you doing here?" Harry asked as he covered himself with the sheets as his now guests stared at him

"Rescuing you, of course. Get dressed.. both of you" moody replied

Audrey slowly poked her head out from under the sheets "hey... please don't tell anyone you saw this" Audrey said awkwardly as Tonks stared at her in shock

Tonks cleared her throat and quickly closed the door, Audrey threw her hair in a messy bun as Harry kissed her shoulder

"mama's gonna kill me" Audrey groaned "I'll take the blame" Harry said softly as he slips his shirt on, audrey smiled at him slightly and quickly got dressed

"Thank you"

✩°𓏲⋆💒. ⋆⸜ 🪐✮˚

"BUT WHERE ARE we going? The letter said I've been expelled." Harry asked as they all exited the house "you haven't been. Not yet. Kingsley, you take point." Moody said

"But the letter said..."

"Dumbledore persuaded the minister to suspend the expulsion... pending a formal hearing." Kingsley said

"A hearing?" Harry asked

Audrey cleared her throat awkwardly "well i should head home now.. mama must be wondering where i am, I'll see you later Harry. Bye Tonks .." Audrey said with a nervous smile as she backed away from the group

"Not so fast Ms. Martir, your parents request that we take you as well" Moody said, Audrey sighed in defeat "very well.." she mumbled

Moody tapped his cane against the concrete pavent, broomstick came flying to their respective owner's

Audrey let out a soft sigh as she gazed at her Firebolt. "Damn it," she mumbled quietly. "I never knew you knew how to ride a broom, Audrey," Harry said, glancing at her beside him.

Audrey smiled and whispered, "Where do you think I learned all my tricks?" Harry's cheeks flushed slightly, causing her to chuckle.

"stay in formation, everyone. Don't break ranks if one of us is killed." Moody said, Audrey hopped on her broomstick and flew off.

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