chapter 1

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Yuuya Tenjou is a 20 year-old cashier in japan. He was neglected as soon as he was born. his siblings had always despised his obesity, his sister was the best treated out of the three of them always getting what she wanted. Yuuya's stuff was always given to her and he really couldn't afford to keep up with her ever growing demand. 

Yuuya POV

I've always been a disappointment from the day I was born and there is no fixing it. I just have to pass each day as it comes. busting my ass off in this stupid job that pays nearly flat nothing. My manager could be nicer but I can deal with her for now. It's aggravating to think that people think just because fat I'm incompetent. why won't anyone just respect me?

ugh I gotta go to fuckin work I have to put up with my piece of shit-manager I would like to quit but I just cannot afford to keep putting up with my cunt sister. I would like to move to America or England or someshit I do not know I just wanna leave man!

I had to deal with a bitchy Karen I told her I really couldn't deal with her shit right now but she still continued to piss me off

A/N my sibling is writing a story called Discovery check it out their account is TransgenderOllie 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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