Fact #24

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Deleted scene from the movie

Riley Goes Inside Headquarters

In the great Art of Inside Out book (our copy currently features a giant doodle from Pete Docter inside its front cover), there was a single image that really captured our imagination: it was Riley, the troubled 11-year-old girl at the heart of Inside Out walking around inside of Headquarters (where her emotions do their work). "I don't know why we started there, but we did," Docter admitted. "That was one of the first plots: Riley was asleep. She was having some sort of emotional issues and she feels a hand waking her up and she wakes up and there are these weird creatures there and they're her own emotions. They had lost something ... They had some excuses that had Riley coming into her own mind and solve some issue, although I don't remember what it was." There's another image in the book that features Joy outside of Headquarters and sitting on Riley's shoulder. "There was also this tangential idea where Joy would come out. There's a beautiful illustration where she's on Riley's shoulder," Rivera said. "I remember Ronnie saying that the movie would start where you were going over these mountains but it was really her bedspread. And Joy would come out and peek at her while she was asleep, but then she had to go back to work." Docter was still trying to remember what storyline contained all of these tangents. "It may have been that Joy got lost and the other guys came out to find her. I think that was it," Docter said a few minutes later. "It was all trying to represent what we talk about in regards to our kids growing up-that childhood Joy kind of disappears for a little while. And you wonder, What happened? I think that might have been it."

Fact submitted by: @frozen_drawings14

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