Next thing I know, I m sitting in front of a bunch of medical students. I had a bunch of labs and tests pending before the surgery that confirmed what was officially named Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome. My parents were as terrified as I was, but they tried to hide it as much as I did. But the comment we still remember as if it was yesterday was one coming from the leader of "the squad" (as the nurses called that bunch of students). "Why did you waited so long?" Like we knew I had that my whole life. Really dude??
My biopsy was done December 16th, 2002. Horrible experience for a 12 year old girl. No matter how hot the med student was, pain was overwhelming. Anesthesia barely did something when the moment of truth came. But on the bright side, mass was benign. So, next step, my first surgery. Yes, first of many. It was programmed for January 28th, 2003. But things can change so fast.