Whispers of a Silent Storm

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If one day I finally told you the truth

After you asked that cruel question so many times

Would you run to my aid

Or would you laugh in my face

Would you quickly wrap me in an embrace

And tell me you wouldn't let me break

Or call me an attention seeker

And say that I'm fake

I want to scream,

desperately I want to yell at the clouds

I want to scream so loud that the ground beneath me trembles

and the treetops above me shake

There is so much anger within me

So much rage and fear and sorrow and grief

I want to scream

Scream for help

Scream for relief

Yet when I open my mouth...

Only silence comes out.

But silence is never nothing

It's full of confusing emotions

Which remain unexpressed

It's full of unspoken words

Which make or throats bleed

Slit by the sharp edges and pointed ends

It's full of unresolved mystery

Tangled like numerous threads

Beyond all the limitations

Whether known or unknown

Being comfortable with silence

Is a *very* rare art

One that you must learn to master

Or you may very well be driven mad by your own cruel hand


Hang i ging u yeng song! Hung o wang i sing leng i fong e? Jung u sang ting ceng a mong e u pung wang i ting heng nong e wung sang e cing reng e tong lung a nang ging u a geng e! Tong hung o u gang hing teng i tong wung o u lang ding beng e fong u nung tang o sing heng a rong e!

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