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A young boy named jungkook was sitting all alone on the couch in the living room, because Hoseok his omega hyung was in heat and his beta hyungs were taking care of him.


Namjoon who is a alpha also a pack leader was not at home because of work, and he is not coming home until 9:00 pm, and other alphas and one beta were also not at home, they were in another city.


And for Jungkook, he was not presented yet, so of course he was not allowed to enter inside the room, so he sat alone feeling bored, also feeling worried hearing Hoseok screaming from Namjoon's room.
He sighed and soon he shuts his eyes close.


Seokjin looked at Hoseok who was rolling on the bed in discomfort, he sighed and left Namjoon's room and went inside his and Jimin's shared room, he went towards the cabinet that was beside their bed and opened the drawer.
He searched a little bit and took out a small medical kit, he opened it and took the heat control supplements out, he then went towards the kitchen.


He placed a jug full of water, a glass of water and the supplements on the tray, then he picked it and then went inside Namjoon's room.

As soon as he entered the room, he heard Hoseok moaning because Jimin was fingering him and was suckling milk from Hoseok's left breast (His chest gets swollen while heat since he produces milk) , Jin scoffed a little at Jimin because he has done this countless time even after getting scolded, but he still never listens.

“Jiminie you can stop now, I brought the supplements” Jin said to Jimin in a gentle tone.
Jimin nodded and stops sucking, then as soon as he took his fingers out, Hobi whimpered because of the empty feeling, Jimin pecked his lips gently.


Jin placed the tray on the cabinet beside the bed, then he and Jimin helped Hobi to sit comfortably on the bed and Jimin left the room, then Jin gave his supplements and the glass of water to Hobi, who quickly swallowed them.

“Where is alpha?” Hoseok asked in a small tone, it seems like he had forgotten about where was Namjoon.

“Don't you remember Hobi? He is doing some work at his company studio, he can't come home until 9:00 pm, that's why I gave these supplements to you, so that you can be in ease until he comes ” Jin told him gently and gets an “oh” in a reply, he chuckled and kisses Hoseok on his forehead and lips.


“Now go and clean yourself up, you are really sweaty and until then I will bring some food for you to eat, okay!”
Jin told him and as he turned to go out, Hoseok stopped him and said “Hyung! Don't bring food here, i will come myself to eat, so don't” Jin nodded in response and left the room.

After Hoseok felt a little bit better, he left the bed and made it, he then went to the bathroom to shower.

When Jin came outside he saw Jungkook sitting on a couch with a sad expression on his face.
He went towards him and kissed his forehead, “Oh kookie! why are you so sad? Don't worry, your Hobi hyung is coming okay! and you must be hungry right?, I am heating up food, i will call you to eat when its ready okay!.” he said to him then went to the kitchen to heat up the food for everyone, while humming a song in his sweet voice, leaving a grinning Bunny behind with a red face.


Jungkook is clingy yet very shy person, so even the little kisses made a big impact on him, soon Jimin also entered the living room from his and Jin's shared room, and sat beside Jungkook on the couch.


“Jimin! Are you hungry? I am heating the food!” Jin asked from the kitchen after he saw Jimin entering the living room.

“Yeah! Hyung i am hungry!” Jimin replied to Jin, and picked the remote to turn the TV on, while Jungkook sighed beside him.


Few minutes later Hoseok came outside from Namjoon's room, looking all fresh.

As soon as he entered the living room, his pleasant vanilla and strawberry scent scattered everywhere, even though Jimin couldn't smell much of it, since he is a beta but he could still smell it a bit more then usual today, and for Jungkook, sadly he couldn't smell, the only thing that he could smell was the body wash that Hoseok used, and it also was vanilla and strawberry scented.
Since Jungkook had said so many times he wanted to smell his scent, so he bought the body wash similar to his own scent but it was nothing compared to his natural scent, and obviously he could not smell the body wash from afar, only when Hoseok is close to him, he could smell him.

“Hobi, Jiminie and kookie!! Come here, i have heated the food for y'all!” Jin yelled from the kitchen.
They yelled “okay!” in unison and made their way towards the kitchen.

They sat on the dining chairs in the kitchen, waiting for food to serve, once it was served they started to eat the delicious food.
“hobi hyung, are you feeling okay, now?” Jungkook asked with a worried tone, “i am feeling fine kookie, don't worry.” Hoseok replied while giggling and planted a sweet kiss on Jungkook's cheek, leaving him a little red.
Soon they finished eating, Jungkook and Hoseok left the kitchen, while Jin and Jimin were cleaning the dirty dishes.
Jungkook and Hoseok sat on the couch in the living room, Jungkook took the remote from the table and turned the tv on to watch a movie.
When Jimin and Jin finished the work in kitchen, the movie has ended, Jungkook started another movie, and they also joined them.
Few hours have passed, they watched four to five movies, now their stomachs were hurting from laughing so much.
“ Hey! Kookie can you tell what time is it right now?” Jin asked asked since he didn't have his phone right now with him, so he couldn't keep the track of time.
“ Hyung its 7:05 pm” Jungkook answered, Jin got up from the couch, he and Jimin had to make dinner, while watching movies, he didn't realised the time.
“Hurry up, Jimin we have to make dinner, and Hoseok you should go to Namjoon’s room, those supplements that i gave you were little different, they could only keep you at ease for few hours, and the time is coming to an end, almost, so go.”
Jin said hurriedly but in a soft voice, then he and Jimin went to kitchen to cook, Hoseok also got up from the couch, he pecked Jungkook’s forehead and lips, then went to Namjoon’s room.
Its been twenty minutes, and Jin was right, Hoseok’s whole body started to burn from head to toe, he felt frustrated, and was in pain, he took off his shirt and trousers hurriedly, then he went towards Namjoon’s closet and picked one of his shirt it still had Namjoon’s scent, he left it for Hoseok purposely.
Today during early in the morning when Namjoon was getting ready for his work, he took one of his shirt ( Which was now in Hoseok's hand), and wore it for few seconds and then removed it, and changed into another shirt, then he got ready and went to his work.


After taking the shirt, Hoseok went towards the bed and lied on it, and tries to satisfy himself atleast a little bit until Namjoon comes to home from work.


Hello hobees!
This is the first chapter of this story, i hope you like it.

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Stay healthy and happy!

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