Hey Love,
I had the urge to write something like this; I won’t waste your time. I already lost my chance, so I’ll cry one more time. This is a cliché with eccentric metaphors, but I’m hoping you’ll understand.
I liked how your eyes twinkled when they met mine. I saw someone cute—it’s me! Don’t worry; you’re beautiful, love. The way you laughed every time I cracked a joke and the way you reacted when I teased you. Either you’ll fake a gag or pretend to be offended, like how you wrap your slender arms against mine.
I disliked that you cried while I was leaving you, asking why.
I dislike how you act in some lines of “My Ex and Whys? ”
I dislike how we’re apart, like in "Hello, Love, Goodbye."
I dislike the time we need to part and exchange goodbyes.
I loved the way you smiled, for that feeling was candor. How you frown—it's so adorable that I can’t resist smiling. How you’re vulnerable around me makes me want to cuddle you until the sun rises. Find someone who'll love you for a lifetime. I want you to be happy beyond forever.
Best Regards,