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Prince Tekena felt a bead of sweat slowly trickle from his forehead and land on his left brow. He raised his hand spontaneously; reaching out with the hem of his sleeve with the intention of wiping it off, but the white cotton handkerchief held by his assistant, Kazim, beat him to it.

"Maybe we should go back and wait in the carriage, Your Highness," Kazim mentioned as he gently used the folded material to mop his master's forehead. At the same time, he signaled the maid standing by to do her job of cooling him down with the raffia hand fan she was holding.

Tekena ignored the suggestion and lifted his face to the sky. The intense hotness of the bright sun, high up there, indicated that it was around noon time. Or so he thought.

It was not long before his eyes felt the sharp burn, and he squeezed them shut at once, bending his head back down.

While dealing with the burning sensation, he mentally noted all the other elements of the discomfort he was feeling at that moment. From the itching and sweating on the inside of his regal attire, to the aching of his feet which had stood for the greater period since he got here. He was tired, and his throat felt dry. He greatly wished that he did not have to be here in the first place.

But it was an imperial order. And even though he was part of the royal family, and desired to be anywhere else but here, he still could not dare to disregard the order in any way. No one in the Nairaland empire could.

He breathed heavily and bit his lower lip in frustration; annoyed at the fact that he had to be here- even more annoyed at the reason.


The assistant took the hint and stepped aside.

"How long has it been since?" Tekena asked him.

With a bow, he responded, "Since what, Your Highness?"

"Three hours, Your Highness." It was the voice of the maid. She was still waving the hand fan to cool him.

Tekena's eyes flashed open immediately, and he turned to her sharply.


The raffia hand fan fell from the poor girl's hands as she let out a tiny gasp and lowered her gaze at once. She gulped nervously, hoping in her mind that she had not just offended the prince.

Kazim glared at her. The ignorant fool! He cursed inwardly. Did she not know that letting their master be aware of the time they had already spent waiting here was not going to result in anything good?

He swore to have her dealt with later.


"Yes, Your Highness." His master's flare-up jolted him out of his thoughts.

"Is she saying the truth?!"

Kazim's palms began to feel sweaty. He quickly started pondering a list of appropriate answers that would convince and satisfy his master at the same time.

"Your Highness... Well,..." He tried his best to put out his words clearly, but his involuntary stuttering was enough confirmation of Tekena's suspicion.

"You mean we've been standing here for three whole hours?!" Tekena roared. "That means noon was over an hour ago. I thought the letter said that she was supposed to arrive here by noon!"

"It did, Your Highness. But- "

Tekena abruptly cut him off, "Is this some kind of joke?! What is she playing at?!"

"Maybe something delayed her, Your Highness."

"What stupid delay?! She thinks that because she has some pathetic power now, she can be as impudent as she wants?!" Tekena ranted strongly.

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