Chapter 5

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Zayn follows Louis into the bedroom, Harry on their heels, and looks around the large room curiously. It's a beautiful room. The bed is huge and the sheets look soft and clean, and Zayn feels some of the tension leave his body as he tells himself it's going to be all right.

Despite only knowing Harry and Louis for a little while, he trusts them and knows they won't hurt him. They're here to help, and it's not like Zayn hasn't fantasised about being with them ever since he'd met them. The only person he'd thought about more during his nightly wank sessions, was Liam.

He feels a brief pang when he realises that Liam's the only person he actually wants to take his virginity – but Liam hasn't called him since they've met at the coffee shop that night, and Zayn, always too pessimistic for his own good, assumes he's lost interest.

Which hurts him more than he's willing to admit.

He pushes Liam to the back of his mind because even if he's still interested, they're weeks away from sex, so there's no point in worrying about it now.

He's pulled out of his reverie when he feels Harry's breath on the back of his neck, his strong hands resting on his hips. He stiffens for a moment but then takes a breath and relaxes, leaning back against Harry.

"Can't wait to see you naked," Harry whispers into his ear, breath warm on his skin. "Been thinking about it ever since I first saw you and Louis told me how bloody gorgeous you are."

Zayn shivers and automatically tilts his head to the side, his breath hitching when Harry's cool fingers slip beneath his t-shirt. He slides a hand up his stomach and chest, brushing a finger over his nipple. His eyes flutter closed as he arches into the touch, his body reacting instantly.

Harry's lips trail over his neck and shoulder, leaving gentle, wet kisses while his hands roam possessively over his torso. A moment later, Zayn feels the warmth of Louis' body press against his front, one hand cupping the side of his neck as he leans in for a kiss. His lips are soft and gentle; he's obviously trying to make Zayn relax, and it works. Zayn responds to the kiss, leaning forward to deepen it and parting his lips when he feels Louis' tongue press against them.

The kiss grows in passion and heat soon enough and Zayn has to admit that he loves being trapped between Harry and Louis; their bodies warm and solid against his own. He can feel Harry's bulge pressed against his arse and unconsciously rubs against it a little while Louis' erection is pressed against his thigh.

He sighs in disappointment when Louis breaks the kiss, but lifts his arms obediently when Harry tugs his t-shirt over his head. Seconds later, Louis' lips are on his own again, and Harry's sucking marks into his neck.

"I like the tats," Harry murmurs against his skin, teeth grazing his neck. "They're really sexy."

"Thanks," Zayn whispers when Louis releases his lips to kiss the other side of his neck.

"Harry's got some as well," Louis says as he draws back. "You'll see."

Zayn opens his eyes and meets Louis', letting out a shaky breath when he sees the intensity in them. Louis is looking at him hungrily; the want evident on his face. Zayn's cock gives a little twitch when Harry's fingers dig into his hips and he realises he's never felt this wanted before.

It's a nice feeling.

"Ohh," he gasps when Harry's hand suddenly slips between his legs and he cups the bulge there. His body arches forward into the touch of its own accord and he bites his lip hard when Harry starts kneading his erection gently.

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