What is Elena doing!?

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I woke up to a text from Elena.
"Hey Kathy. I know it's weird but I cannot stop thinking about our hug from that day. And you do know why.", text said.

I remember that day when we were leaving for the day. We hugged for 40 seconds. Yes, I counted. Our tits were rubbing against one another. How can I forget that? But why is she texting me about it a week later?

"Yes, I remember it, Elena. We hugged for so long. I know you liked Jen but that shouldn't stop us from being friends, right?", I texted back.

She texted me back immediately.
"Are you coming to school today? Let's skip English. I'll teach you how to play a piano in the music room. And then maybe we can perform at the upcoming fest together."

I don't know how to play a piano. I'd love to learn it. So I said "Sure" to that. And why wouldn't I want to perform at the fest and be popular! Aaaa I'm excited!

Jen entered the class wearing the sex doll's little black dress. I was so lost in her. The dress had a heart shaped gap on the cleavage area and it was so short that you could see the panties if Jen bended over.
Every other guy was watching her but she was looking at me. She smiled and dropped her pen when she got closer to my way.

"Oops! Gotta pick this up."

Her ass is in my direction. I just know that she dropped it on purpose! Bend for me Jen. Bend!

"I got it for you." said some random guy picking up the pen.

Why did he have to get it for her! He ruined it! I need her to bend right now. I'm drooling already.

I dropped my scale. Yes. On purpose.

"Hey Jen. Bend ov- I mean, can you pick that scale up for me?"
Jen gave me smirk, seeming to know my cravings.
"Sure, bestie."
Jen bent over to pick my scale. Except, she wasn't wearing panties. I could see her pussy from behind.

Oh how bad I wanna touch it! But I can't let anyone else see her in this posture for so long.

It was only for one second that I got to see her pussy and ass from the back. But I cherished that one second for the rest of the class.

"Jen, can you come out of the class for a sec?" Ms Rachel said.

Ms Rachel was 25. She took our English classes. She was strict. Jenna looked nervous as she walked out.
Whole class was quiet. So we could hear their words.

"Why are you dressed like a sl*t? This is school. You're not allowed to dress like this. Who are you showing off your cleavage to? This is not going to get you grades!"

I am so mad. I know that Jen is dressed a bit inappropriately but Rachel has no right to call her sl*t and talk to her that way. I'm pretty sure that Rachel is sleeping with the principal because she could've been fired long ago.

"I'm so sorry, Ms Rachel.", Jenna apologised, her voice broke.

Why did she get scolded for her cleavage? They're the best ones ever, Ms Rachel is probably jealous.
Elena is wearing a dark brown dress that's showing off 1% of her areola but Ms Rachel didn't call her out. Why just Jen! Wait...why is Elena dressed like that? She's usually wearing something nerdy.

Our school didn't have a dress code. As long as you're not coming naked, you're good.

At lunch, Jenna was refusing to eat. She felt so bad about what Ms Rachel told her.

"She called me a sl*t."
"You're not a sl*t, babe. Rachel is jealous of your perfect titties."
"I wanted to wear this dress today for you, Kathy."
"And I am loving it. You're beautiful, Jen." I said, hugging her.

"You guys are lesbians, aren't you." said a random guy passing us, rhetorically.

We hadn't told anyone. It was our little secret. We looked at him, surprised.

"God! Relax! I was just joking. You're always together so..don't give me that look, it was just a joke!", he said and left.

He doesn't know.
I hugged Jen tighter, telling her to forget about what Ms Rachel had said.

"Hey.." Elena said, standing next to where we were seated.
"Oh, hey Elena." I replied.
"Listen, Jen, you're not a sl*t. You're anything but a sl*t. I know what sl*ts are like. You're not it." said Elena.

She isn't making this any better.

"..and Kathy, I'll see you in the music room."

Jen was too sad to focus on what Elena had said. I fed Jenna her lunch.

The bell rang. Lunch break was over. We had English class next and I was supposed to go to the music room.
I ran over to the music room without telling about it to Jenna. Now that I think about it, I should've told her.

I entered the music room. Elena was already there, waiting for me.
"Nice dress.." I said, trying to make a conversation.
"You like them, don't you?" Said Elena, squeezing her tits.

What-why is she saying that!
"I mean...I was really just complimenting your dress."
"So you don't like my tits?"
"I don't know what to say to that, Elena."

I really didn't know what to say. Her tits are awesome. But I can't say that to her. I'm dating Jenna!

"You aren't saying 'No'. So I'll just assume that you like them. I caught you staring at them too during classes, by the way."

Damnit! I did look at them once or twice...or thrice. I was just surprised at the way she is dressed today! Her areola has the same color as her dress.
Okay I guess I did stare at them a lot!

"Listen, Elena, you're amazing. But Jenna is the best girl I've ever known and we are together. It doesn't seem right to discuss about your tits." I said.
I did the right thing.
"Why did you hug me for so long that day then? Weren't you trying to feel these?" Asked Elena, pointing at her titties.
I did feel her tits against mine. But she wasn't backing off from the hug either!
"Hey! You weren't letting it go either. You kept holding onto that hug. I guess, you are the one who likes my tits then." I defended.
"Yes, I do like your tits, Kathy. That's why I hugged you. That's exactly why."
I wasn't sure if Elena was being sarcastic or not.

"You know what, just, teach me piano." I said.

I don't know how the rest of the afternoon is going to be. What if Elena tries to seduce me?

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