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Hello my pretty readers !! it's been a long time I couldn't upload new chapters for you all I'm so sorry I had exams everything but now I came back with a new chapter so let's goooo now enjoyyy reading 📖 ✨

As they departed for their house, Jungkook felt a mix of emotions swirling within him, the joy of the celebration still resonating in his heart, yet a subtle unease lingering about the missing gift from Taehyung. Taehyung, beside him, seemed unaware of Jungkook's inner turmoil, engrossed in navigating the way home. The ride was silent, the only sound being the gentle hum of the car's engine as they traveled through the quiet night.

Suddenly, Jungkook noticed that they were on a different route, not the familiar path leading to their house. Puzzled, he questioned, "Hyung, that's not the road to the house."

Taehyung chuckled softly and replied, "No, it's not the road to our house."

Perplexed, Jungkook asked, "Where are we going?"

Taehyung's response was cryptic yet reassuring, "Quiet, my love. You'll see when we get there."

With a nod, Jungkook fell silent, curiosity tugging at his mind.

As they finally stopped the car in front of a large bookstore that resembled a library, Jungkook's confusion grew. However, his love for books overtook his confusion, and he couldn't contain his excitement.

He jumped slightly in his seat, trying to contain his joy without revealing too much to Taehyung.

As they prepared to exit the car, Taehyung stepped out first, parking the car before coming around to open Jungkook's door, a small gesture that spoke volumes of his care and consideration for his husband.

As they approached the bookstore, Jungkook's excitement bubbled over, prompting him to inquire eagerly, "Hyung, are we going to the bookstore to buy books?"

Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook's enthusiasm before replying, "No, you're not going to buy books."

Jungkook's smile faded at the response, and he asked coldly, "Oh, then why are we going there? Do you want to buy books?"

Taehyung chuckled and replied, "It's for you, love. Why would you buy books?"

Jungkook was confused by Taehyung's response, but as they entered the beautifully decorated library, adorned with lamps everywhere, his shock turned into awe.

As they stepped into the library, Jungkook's eyes sparkled with excitement at the sight of countless books lining the shelves. Taehyung couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness seeing the joy reflected in Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook eagerly explored every corner of the library, completely immersed in the world of books, seemingly oblivious to the fact that they were the only ones there.

Meanwhile, Taehyung watched with delight, enjoying the sight of Jungkook's radiant smile as he lost himself in the sea of literature.

Time seemed to stand still in that moment, as if nothing else mattered but the pure joy shared between them in that quiet, book-filled sanctuary.

As time passed, Jungkook noticed the absence of any other patrons in the library, but he quickly reasoned that it must be due to the late hour.

Undeterred, he resumed his exploration of the books, running his fingers over their spines, examining their titles, and delving into the worlds they held within their pages.

The silence of the library only heightened his sense of wonder and excitement as he immersed himself deeper into the vast array of literature surrounding him.

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