Chapter Thirteen🥀

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"Is this hell or heaven?" I laughed a little.

"You're not dead." The sound could be heard from further away but I couldn't make out the figure in the darkness. "Um, where am I?" I slowly got up and a bright light came towards me. I narrowed my eyes and put my hands in front of my face.

"It's not your time. You have to go back." A voice shouted and a light came towards me, throwing me behind with it.

"No! Rory! Is she dead? No she's not dead. My sister is not dead!" Bella shouted and fell in her knees in front of her sister, who lay on the ground lifeless, her lips starting to turn blue and her beautiful face pale.

Embry who had managed to save Aurora in time, was giving her CPR with tears in his eyes. Edward stared at his girlfriend's side, trying to listen to Aurora's heartbeat.

Demetri stood further away watching Alec arrive with Jane not far behind. "The dog managed to find her." Demetri muttered quietly and Jane walked over to her brother's side.

Alec looked his mate, no emotions in his eyes. He was quiet and didn't listen to Demetri's and Jane's converstaion.

I felt my back hit something and soon I opened my eyes and started emptying my lungs of water. I saw Embry's brown eyes that were red with tears and soon I felt warm arm in my cold body.

"Aurora!" Bella exclaimed and I looked to my side. "Why did you do that?! Are you crazy?" Bella screamed but soon her voice was silenced because she was next to me and hugging me.

"You're really cold, Embry can you keep her warm." Bella grumbled, moving my hair away from my face.

"Put this on." Embry took his hoodie from his side and pushed it over me.

"Why did you do that?" Bella asked and held my hand. "If Embry hadn't made it..." She sighed.

"I saw your message, I ran so fast and jumped after you." Embry said holding me in his arms. "Why did you do that?" Bella started crying again and I looked behind her. Edward stood still with three Volturi behind him. Oh great.

"Paul imprinted Jacob's sister." I said quietly and Bella wiped the tears from her eyes. "He what?" She asked and Embry moved behind me. "Paul is here." He muttered and Bella stood up looking at the tree line.

"Rory." Paul said with a worried look on his face and Bella started to walk towards him but Edward caught her. "You! Stay away from my sister!" Bella screamed and tried to break free from Edward's grip. Paul ignored her and looked at me as Embry helped me up.

"Rory.. Why did you do that?" Paul asked and I felt the rage grow in my body. Paul hot head wolf, is one big coward. I walked towards him and stopped in front of him.

"You fucking coward, you cheated on me? You imprinted and avoided me two weeks huh?" I yelled and pushed him but he didn't move much.

"I'm the cheater? You came back to Italy and tell me that you are mated to bloodsucker, who was in your room? What did you do with him huh?" Paul snapped back and I looked at him with wide eyes.

Is he serious?

I didn't think much and hit him in the face, the result was a small crackle from my hand, but I ignored it, watching Paul start to breathe heavily.

"Rory step back." I heard Embry exclaim and soon Paul began to change in front of me. I felt a breeze and saw a dark cloak in front of me. Paul growled and tried to attack but Alec threw him into the nearest tree. Embry ran between them.

"Stop it!" He yelled and Alec growled at Paul who tried to attack again.

"If that dog doesn't understand his place, I'll show him." Alec said and soon Edward sped up to Embry's side. "Stop it please." He begged and turned to look at Paul.

"Paul leave please, he's gonna kill you." Edward begged and Paul growled and turned around running into the forest.

Alec turned around to look at me with an angry look on his face. "You're coming with us." He said and I stepped aside towards Embry who walked up to me. "What? No!"

Alec raised an eyebrow and Jane sped up beside him, Demetri following. "You're coming with us." He repeated again and I looked at my sister who slowly walked over to us, Edward stepped in front of Bella and looked at the Volturi guards.

"She hurt her arm, she needs to show it to Carlisle." Edward spoke and Jane bit her lip.

"Don't let them take me." I said to Embry and buried myself behind his back. Alec clenched his jaw and looked at the mind reader.

"Please." Edward begged and Jane sighed. "Fine, but we are coming with you."

The journey to the Cullens was quiet, no one said a word, it was late in the evening when we arrived at the house. Bella went to see Jacob and Carlisle stood at the door.

"What happened?" He asked glancing at the Volturi and then at Embry who was next to me his eyes soon found my hand which I hold.

"I punched Paul in the face." I muttered and Carlisle nodded. "Come inside." He stepped aside and we walked inside the house.

Carlisle took us to the room and the Volturi waited in the living room. "Alec wants to take Aurora." Edward said to Carlisle in a low voice but I heard him and looked at Embry who looked worried.

"I don't want to leave, Embry don't let him take me." I looked at him in the eyes and he looked horrified, Embry shifted his gaze to the Cullens. "Don't let them take Aurora, please."

Carlisle walked over to me with a bandage in hand. "I'm afraid we can't do anything without a fight." He spoke and Embry sighed. "Then let's fight."

Carlisle was quiet so was Edward.

"You guys are going to die.. maybe I have to go, but I don't want to." I said after a moment of silence and Carlisle looked me in the eyes.

"Will you leave us for a moment? I'll check Aurora properly." Carlisle said, Embry and Edward left the room and we were left alone.

"I have to tell you something." I twirled the ring on my finger and Carlisle turned around. "Vampire hearing." I pointed to my ears and Carlisle handed over a pen and paper.

After a while I walked out of the room, noticing that the Volturi were gone. Relief flowed through my body and I turned my gaze to the Edward.

"Where they are?" I asked and Edward shifted. "They went to pack their things, they say you have until tomorrow." Edward explained and I looked at Embry who was staring at the floor.

"I'm sorry Aurora, they're taking you to Italy."

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