chapter 1

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"Someone asked me, what does freedom like for me"

"I answered, for me freedom is being ignorant"

"She answered. Why ignorant? Does that make any sense?"

" Right? It doesn't make any sense that being ignorant is a freedom."

As we are curious to a lot of things.

we tend to be nosy of other individual lives and decision that they make.

As you may heard this famous quote

" Being ignorant is a bliss"

For me this is what my freedom looks like. 

As I am weak mentally, I couldn't handle it well. As the world now have become more chaotic and cruel . 

Being ignorant to these things, just thinking what are you gonna for the rest of the days. 

Camping by yourself or pets that gives you peace of mind and do things that cannot affect my mental health.

"That's my definition of my freedom. "

Now what's yours?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2024 ⏰

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