Steal My Girl - Drabble

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This takes place after Jungkook and Y/N got married and before the main story.

"Oh come on! Stop pouting" You urge Jungkook, pinching his cheek

He growls and claps your hand away. He is still mad about what happened to the bar earlier, even if it has been more than two hours.

It was a great evening, Jungkook and you enjoying the great company of your friends. You had at good laugh, joking about how your friends asked you again if you were dating. You denied it but maybe the fact that Jungkook had his arm around your shoulder, basically cuddling you, was disturbing. It didn't help that you buried your face into the crook of his neck when alcohol started making you tipsy.

"You're okay, wifey?" He asked softly in your ears and you hummed for a response

The light movement made your lips brushed against his throat, sending shivers down to Jungkook's spine. He tightened his hold and pressed you deeper against his side. He pecked the top of your head. When you lifted up your head and looked around the table, you definitely saw the look on your friends' faces: 'there is no way they aren't dating'. The message was clear at the way they eyed you.

You smiled a little when you remembered that it was after a night like that, hanging out at the bar with those same friends, that Jungkook had the crazy idea to get married not so long ago.

"He's my hubby" You said, just like it explained everything

"You are married but not dating. That doesn't even make sense!" Jimin exclaimed with frustration

"It does for us" Jungkook stated "I love Y/N and she loves me, because we are best friends"

Your friends gave up on reasoning you that best friends don't get married. Sharing a look with Jungkook, you both knew that yes, best friends get married if they are the most important person in each other's life. You were the living proof of that and Jungkook pretended to give Jimin the finger but lifted up his forefinger, shining with the recent silver band.

So yeah, honestly, everything was great. Until you went to the bar desk and ordered drinks. Well, the problem was not that. The problem was that a fucking guy approached you and flirted with you. At first, you smiled politely — because you are too nice and too sweat to tell people to fuck away. But then, when the guy became more insistent, you felt like you had to give him a big fat 'no'. You showed him your ring. Yet, the guy didn't fucking care.

At first, your best friend/husband watched the scene almost amused. It wasn't rare that you were hitting on and honestly, Jungkook can understand why. You are so pretty and when people get to know you, they can only love you. But you clearly notified the stranger that you were not interested. Then why was he still insisting?

It didn't take long for Jungkook to stand up with a irritated growl and join you. He got a bribe of the guy's words 'Come on, sugar, he doesn't have to know'. That fucking pissed him off. He strategically places himself behind you and wrapped his tattooed arm around you to bring you against his chest. He hold you tight and someway he relaxed when your left hand landed on his forearm and caressed it to calm Jungkook now. You knew that your best friend could easily punch the guy, especially with his boxing license — but that was exactly the reason why he couldn't punch anyone outside a ring. He said something like 'I'm the husband so get the fuck out of here'. The harsh tone and the noticeable clenched fists seemed to convince the stranger to skedaddle.

Since then, you have kept teasing him. It's not your fault he looked like a jealous boyfriend. Well, you know that Jungkook is protective over you but, sometimes, it feels like he is getting a little too much into the 'husband character' — maybe you are too. Just an example of that is when Jungkook was making breakfast the other day and that you hugged him from behind, enjoying the warmth coming from his naked back. You even gave him a peck, rewarded by a pleasant hum from Jungkook, before you realized that it might be a little too much for best friends and absolutely right between spouses...

"Sorry for ruining your one night stand" He mumbles as he falls on the couch

"Come on, Kookie" You tell him softly

You sit next to him and rest your head on his shoulder.

"I know you did it for protecting me. So I thank you for that. But you have to let me deal with those situations, I'm a grown up woman" You explain, drawing circles on his chest with your fingers because you know that will ease him

There are so many things that you know about each other.

"I know but I was just worried. I hate that everyone is trying to steal you from me" He confesses

You lift up your head to look at his face. You hate to see a hint of pain in his beautiful doe eyes. How can he think that? Jungkook is the most important person in your life. Didn't he listen to anything you said on your wedding three months ago? 'Thank you so much for being in my life and loving me. I'm the luckiest person on Earth and I will keep being it as long as you are with me'. Didn't he get it?

"Kook" You say so lowly that it's almost a whisper "No one is trying to steal me from you" Your best friend scoffs at that "And I'm not willing to let anyone do it. Look at the ring on my finger" You lift up your left hand "This is a promise. I promised you and you promised me. This marriage is you and me. And it was your idea so you're stuck with me now"

You both chuckle and Jungkook grabs your hand.

"You and me, forever" He tells you, making the same promise all over again

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