chishiya crushing on you (headcannons)

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- he realized he had feelings for you after he was on the urge of flipping out waiting for your car to come back from a long game

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- he realized he had feelings for you after he was on the urge of flipping out waiting for your car to come back from a long game

- he obviously didn't want to make it obvious or tell anyone about it

- being around you made him sweat which caused him to try his best to avoid you

- kuina took notice of his weird behavior, and confront him about it

- in the middle of their conversation chishiya accidentally confessed his feelings for you

- kuina soon became cupid, trying her best to get you both together

- just by bringing him up in the conversations you both share

- the convos soon turned into tasks as in
"hey yn? can you get chishiya for me i need to talk to him. he on the roof." with the same old smirk

- as mentioned, chishiya tried his hardest to avoid you which caught your attention

- you ask kuina about it and she ends up telling you how he feels about you

- you felt both shocked and relieved, glad that he doesn't hate you

- you ended up growing some balls and confronted chishiya about your feelings

- chishiya stood still with his jaw on the floor in pure shook

- you took notice and decided to make the first move

- pressing your lips against his

- his eyes easily fluttered closed as he kissed you, his arms making its way to your waist

- his eyes easily fluttered closed as he kissed you, his arms making its way to your waist

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sorry it's so short 😭 i would do anything to have chishiya like me

sorry it's so short 😭 i would do anything to have chishiya like me

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words — 256
written — 021824
published — 021824
requested — X

words — 256written — 021824published — 021824requested — X

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